WOA not on Blogs ?
I noticed World of APsense ads are not appearing on any of the Blogs.
Google ads are appearing (Top & Bottom). I haven't taken much notice of "where" the ads were coming from until i went to edit one of my ads. I went to one of my blogs to see how it appears and it wasn't there.
Has this been like this for a while or has it just started ?
I see the option to ADD a Blog advertisement is still available in the WOA area.
Comments (9)
Jeff Greene
Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
I'm just gonna wait until the "Beta Bugs" are sorted out, I was over there a couple of times, and I simply couldn't get an advert going... when that happens, i jnow that it's Coffee Time! LOL! :)
Indrit Shkodra
i dint get you,what should i send a blog link??
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Thanks Wincer,
Sent you a message.
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
Hi Eric, indrit
Send one blog link to me which no your own ads on it..
Indrit Shkodra
yes sure i see it too
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Me again,
I haven't heard back from support (Not that i'm complaining - I understand time constraints), but i was wondering if anyone else noticed this problem ?
Eric Smith
Online Professional
Thanks Bj & Wincer,
I checked my Blog Ads again and it says "Ads Status: Active" and and No Auction is current.
If the Ad space is for sale i thought it says "This ad space is for sale" where the ads would normally go?
The only ads showing on the page are Google ads...
Wincer Song
APSense Founder
Hi bj,
It is correct that you have your ads acutions running.
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Eric,
I just checked one of my blogs and I dont see any ads, this may be due to the fact I have auctions running, I am not sure but will find out.
I also looked at a random blog and the ads are showing on that one.
I have found that sometimes I cant see ads on a page when others can.
This is something to do with my fire wall and I have been unable to pin it down as it is an intermittent problem and not just here in APSense, it also happens with my own sites when I am viewing th