Members at Apsense are running scared.

Posted by Valerie Hasara
Aug 23, 2007
I have received many comments from contacts that Apsense is getting to be a negative place. I Don’t agree!! After spending several days with the Top it or Drop it sociology, I think a few simple changes would fix our problem. First - Change the terminology to - I Agree or I Disagree. People are taking the Top it or Drop it personally and frankly I think some people are using it to dig at other members personally. To drop someone is personal whereas it is acceptable to disagree with someone professionally. Next- (And most Important) - Base a persons score on the number of votes not how many people agree with them. With the system as it is right now a person could have 50 votes half Top it and half Drop it. Now their score is -1. Then someone comes along and writes a cute little note that means nothing and their two friends Top it. They are a +2 The person that brought the most traffic through good conversation looses and I believe this is where the negative feelings are coming from. With the NEW system - If someone DARES to SPAM - well no votes keeps them at a ZERO where they belong. With the Old system- Members feel like they are in the middle of an online version of the TV series Survival, and you have to play a sociology game to get + votes. Many things I have written would never see the light of day if I had to please everyone. * On a personal note – I am addicted to Apsense. We are seeing a member driven site develop at an incredible pace. What I love is truly how much power Apsense has given the voice of its members to shape the program.
Comments (56)
James Anderson

Ok Lynn, I see you point but all I am saying is if the ad, blog, whatever in the content pertains to something like health and wellness that should be Life in General. I see someone offered the suggestion for a Health and Wellness group but it is not there yet. Health and Wellness is a life event and can have a great deal to with a person’s life. This is why I chose Life in General. Granted some of the other blogs should be in Ads and I will change them ASAP. Health and Wellness needs to

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

Hi, Lateef

As Kristian said, "We have moved the "Drop it" button to the bottom of the contents, making it less visible. "

"Drop it" still works now.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Lateef Oladeji

Internet Marketer

Now, I have observed that the "drop it" rating button has been removed, leaving only 2 options left - rate it up or ignore/abstain - instead of 3 options available before. Is this the final compromise? With this new system, bad posters need not worry over any possible bad effect of jaunty posts. Good luck to them.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

Hi Collette,
Your articles on health and wellness would be great for life in general. There have been other requests for categories, such as arts and crafts. For right now we have the life in general to fill these needs. Lynn

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Hi again Lynn
Hey do you think they may add a Health & Wellness category? I have alot of good articles about Health & Wellness in general and not sure where to place them so I have just placed one in the Life In General category.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

I went to bed last night after replying to your comment and woke up to see your reply. I took the time to look at the blogs in question. I explained about the ad policy for blogs. I explained why your blogs were not allowed in the life in general section. This has nothing to do with just my opinion. Also there have been modifications in the top and drop feature. Did you read Kristians post(its about 16 down)? These will help with people not being able to drop a post so quick, and it wi

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
John Bassett

One day the Twinkle Fairy went to a town called Upheaval and turned everybody into a lawyer. They could only make one judgement each on each case they where presented with and had to take their answer to the top Judge. He would decide if they where right or wrong. Now, a lot of the lawyers blamed the Judge when things went against them and the others who where successful said the losing lawyers just got angry at not getting their own way. The Twinkle Fairy said one thing to them all before it l

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Susan coils

Web Design & Marketing Services for Small Business

as someone who doesn't understnad the top it or drop it at all, I just steer clear of hitting either of them. I simply make my comment in the 'add your comment' box. Is this wrong? Having read through thsese posts, it seems to put my comment at the top I have to hit the 'top it' button. But why should my post be at the top. Surely, this should be the first post as that is what everything else relates to? As for 'drop it', I don't get why I should have the right to decide what order someon

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Karen,

I think you have summed it up very well.

APSense has come a long way in a very short time and will continue to change and evolve as time goes on.

Not everything will please everyone. We will have to adapt and learn to use APSense correctly to our advantage.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

How can anyone identify APSense as a negative place. I'm not a fan of any rating system, and would prefer that the Drop feature be removed entirely - keep it positive - all you can do is leave it alone or Top it. The junk would fall and the cream would rise. Of course there will STILL be those who Top the crap, but what are ya gonna do?

Apsense is still a baby and look at how far its come. I am amazed by the lightening speed that admin listens and implements. When you look at all the fea

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Livefree

It is not one members opinion that advertising belongds in Classifiesd only.

If you refer to this post in this group and read the primary post made by Lynn on behalf of Kristian you will see it says ad go in classifieds only

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
James Anderson

Hey Lynn, you missed the main point og what I was talking about . Funny how people what to dodge the issue and discussthemore minow details. The main focus was about... well never mind, it's history now.

Have a nice evening Lynn

James 789426*ŒsÇ

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
James Anderson

I understand Lynn but are telling me that shopping is an ad and not a Life in Gereral because I disagree. When I go shopping, its a weekly or monthly life activity. Here come the opinions again, good everone has one, huh Lynn.

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

There is a special blog section for advertisements, its the one titled Classified Ads. The rest of the blogs should be ad free. The life in general is just for that, everyday living, family life, kids, hobbies, sports etc. We wanted a section where members could just write. I went and looked at your recent 2 blogs. They were both advertisements. So they didn't belong in the life in general category. Don't feel bad about getting a drop vote. I have had members drop a post of mine here in the asp

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
James Anderson

I really hope Absence changes top it/drop it soon. It is so wrong. It cannot hold any meaningful credits when someone can just drop by a site for 5 seconds and say, hmmm, I don't like the color of the font so let’s drop it. Great program, great site but someone did not like the font color. You cannot please everyone and to leave people wide open like this is nothing short of wrong, I don't care how you slice it. It is pointless, meaningless, and most important morally wrong.
I know myse

Aug 24, 2007 Like it
Collette Johnson

Collette's Naturals

Oh I see now , so sorry I guess I should read your post a little better, LOL

You are right that would be a whole lot better than the way it is now.


Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Valerie Hasara

Marketing, Web Designer, Owner


Your quick team response is what I love about Apsense.

I like the idea of the HOT tab. After all I am a controversial girl and ‘Heat’ is what I do best!! Soooo bring it on.

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

You are very welcome :) Lynn

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Kristian H.

GOT Team Cofounder

Thanks Lynn,

We can always rely on you to keep our members updated with that's going on. Truth be told, if the members relied on me alone to get the word out... we would all be very lost ;-)

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
Lynn I.

Earning Online Since 1999

No need to be sorry. I just pass on what has been decided by apsense. With the new features that Kristian has explained, it should make more members happy. Lynn

Aug 23, 2007 Like it
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