Who made you the Spam Cop?

Posted by Valerie Hasara
Jul 29, 2007
Let me understand the new spam system. I send someone a message and they click the report spam link. Now not only can I look to see who clicked the complaint but it cost me 10% in the spammer’s rating? When you click Add me to your contacts you agree to receive email from this person no matter the quality or content. You did agree. Now if you don’t like what the person has to say simply block the member from sending you further messages. (I did have had one member that sent me a message and must have thought he was on a dating site - I simply put him in his place by blocking him) I think we have gone a little too far with making everyone a Spam Cop. This kind of negativity may hurt more than it helps. What do you think? Thanks Valerie
Comments (71)
Mattias Kroon


I think it´s a good chance to get a high quality of a network with clear spamming rules.All the spams on the internet has destroyed much of the ethics and moral standard that should be there.

Jul 30, 2007 Like it
John Bassett

Well, I'm climbing back onto my soapbox and can say this as a final thought for now anyway. Well at least half an hour. Why do we join APsense in the first place?

A. To learn about stuff?
B. To promote an ethical opportunity (Business or otherwise)?
C. To help somebody else get a brighter future?
D. A combination of the above three?
E. Some other reason perhaps?

Copy and paste style promos should not be encouraged, Like I said earlier there is an ethic taking place somewhere. We just need to a

Jul 30, 2007 Like it
Clifford Messer

I personally do not like the spam button. I also agree that there are some people who choose to be unprofessional in this world. One Bad Apple concept. This site " apsense " should be a relaxed site to share opportunity with others without the fear of being rejected by someone who may or may not take offense of another persons interjections. But maybe the spam button was put in place by design to offer a mild threat to anyone who would not take this site serious enough to maintain semi-profess

Jul 30, 2007 Like it
John Bassett

To have an internal spam swap site just go to http;//www.yahoogroups.com and set your own mutual spam advertising appreciation society, that way the, and I use this word in it's loosest context "Normal" networkers can carry on learning, developing skills and building professional relationships. Thud!!! Ouch!!! I just fell off the soap box. Over to you guys. Who wants to start a Yahoogroups Spammers group? Any offers?

Jul 30, 2007 Like it

I dont have problem with spams. I have an open minded to this issue. If i receive the unknown emails senders I just delete it or if I have time I will browse it to see if any good things to be swallowed. Who knows, the unwanted emails could lead you making money online. I believed that we are matured enough to asses the emails contents. Apsense is the place where you develop biz network as well as social network. If the members want the so called private network, I suggest they go to blogging li

Jul 30, 2007 Like it
Jenny Stewart

i am in two minds about the spam button.

On the one hand i am getting sick and tired of seeing advertising all over the place at ApSense instead of discussion between members.and I loathe getting copy paste adverts in my mail box.

On the other hand it is very disconcerting to think that the spam button can be abused by over zealous members who then give that person

I agree with JamesMax that "One person's spam is another person's jam" (or ham -I love food) So Eric's idea of having a no

Jul 30, 2007 Like it
Scott Richard Adams

Hi guys

I think the admins should maintain this alone. Also, the spam can act will tell you whatever you need to know about spam.

mail is only spam if:

1. you email someon who is not an opt in subscriber

2. you do not have a opt out or unsubscribe option

3. you send an anonymous email without headers or return valid address

You can email people who are not opt in as it is a grey area. this means that those people may have opted in to one of your partners and agreed to receive m

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

There should be a flag on members pages that says something like "Talk to me but don't SPAM me" or "No SPAM mail" or something similar...

If this is present on a members profile and SPAM is still received then there is justification in hitting the SPAM button. If the profile does not have a flag for No SPAM then there is no grounds.

It would not be hard to only have the SPAM button appear if the "Flag check box" is highlighted in the members profile.

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Stephen Lapointe

thank you Valerie there is actually someone here who speaks up for the newbie's like myself . me personally have been involved with APsense for a little over 1 month and someone told me already they reported me as spam and i did not understand why, cause they were one of my contacts, this keeps up Apsense will no longer be the place to share with others. Valerie keep up the good work, sincerley in his service steve!!!

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

Wow Graham, you're tough! Your position reminds me of the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", and it is true, but there is also another thing called social grace. In a social community, whether online or offline, the members of the community set the tone. Do you want a community where the norm is to pull people down, or do you want a community where we lift people up?

Sure, I can decide if what I receive is spam or not, but when I decide to hit that spam button, I also realize that I

Jul 29, 2007 Like it

I welcome what others call Spam. I am not adverse to evaluating offers. However, out of respect for others, I am cautious about what I send to others. I have just read about a spam button in this enviornment. If there is such a thing, it seems like overkill to me; like a gun in idle hands. No thank you.

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
James Max

Blog Network Community

Hey Graham,

I am not going to touch that religious stuff with a long stick, lol!

I stand corrected. Let's say "One person's spam is another person's jam"

I can rhyme all day - that's what I do best.

The GoodNews team

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Rusty Rose

I agree with Karen. The last thing I would do is report someone for spam. I was involved in a spam complaint and no matter what I did, I could not prove my innocense. And I was innocent. They were actually a double-optin on my list and they must have forgot and reported me to AOL for spam. AOL told me one more time and I would be banned from AOL. I felt like a criminal. I talked back and forth with AOL and explained to them the problem, but they still insisted that we were both spamming?

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Graham Hunt

If a woman takes exception to some comment or action by a male, she can (and often does) make a claim of sexual harrasment.
If a person sends what in their opinion is an innocent post that is determined by the receiver as spam, then the sender has to wear the consequences.
Bottom line, the determination is left to the perspective of the person who is the recipient. If you send something to me that I consider to be Spam, it is spam, regardless of your intentions. Not fair I know, but then

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
James Max

Blog Network Community

Spam Meter? What we need is better rules and better control. One person's spam is another person's ham!

I hate "spam and scams" like any other person. I have block and delete set up like a ready shot gun. But these protection is for outsiders who invade my Internet space.

How can you know if your friends want to hear about your products offer?

Should you ask them individually what's their motivation for joining your contact list? Or send out a group mail and ask, then you could d

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Karen Weir

Local Internet Advertising Consultant

I agree Valerie. First off, I don't like the "keeping score" aspect of APSense at all. It fosters competition as opposed to cooperation which is what social networking is all about.

I would NEVER report anyone for spam ever - not in email, not in APSense. In my mind, it is just as easy to simply block them anyone that I find offensive. In APSense, I would send the person a personal message and if ignored, block. We are all human and entitled to make mistakes. I have no desire to try t

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Dale Mazurek

Personally, many of you are going to cringe but in my email accounts I get hundreds of spam messages a day and I actually use them to my advantage. Every spam message I send gets a reply and it has worked great for me. I sign up an average of one person a week just because they spammed me. I tend to not sweat the small stuff. Of course many of the spam messages that get to me cant be replied to. Well people its really not that hard to delete the emails and they are gone foreever.


Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Sonny McGinn

I have to agree. If you accept someone as a friend, and you don't like what they send you, just block them. I was banned from a website just for putting a link on a Thank You for being my friend comment. The person accepted me, then complained about my comment. Just block them and delete them from your friend list.

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Graham Hunt

If accepting someone as a FRIEND (the term used here on Apsense) is giving that person permission to send me Unsolicited Commercial Email (aka Spam) then I will be a whole lot more choosy in who I accept as a friend. For me a friend is someone who shares a common interest, wants to develop a relationship and has the friend's best interests at heart.
Remember what Spam is...UCE. Accepting someone as a friend in my opinion does not give them the right to send me information that
(a) I did no

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
Lisa Lomas

Hello Valerie,

I agree too many are becoming what you call "spam cops".

When coming to this community I understood it was going to have a great
anti-spam policy. What is happening I beleive is a severe misuse of this button.

I sent some thankyou notes just two days ago to some that joined my network and next thing I know I have a rating. The apsense express is a tool one can choose to install or not install so to me its a bit offensive someone calling this spam. The express should not be a

Jul 29, 2007 Like it
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