How to Earn Business Center Exchange Credits
Hello, everyone. I hope you are doing well. I have a quick question. I know that you can earn business center exchange points by voting on each other's business centers, but where do you go to vote on someone's business center?
Comments (12)
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
Hi Tonya,
1) You must view business centers through the exchange
2) Publish your business center to the exchange
3) Exchange credits are earned by viewing and voting on members business centers in the exchange
4) The exchange points are used as other members view your business center
5) You must be viewing them while in the exchange
I hope this helps.
Tonya Heathco
Hi group,
New to ABC and am full of questions:
How does one vote on other Business Centers?
How does one get others to vote on thier Business Centers?
What do the points earned mean?
What can be done with the points?
I've visited Business Centers and see no vote button although screen resolution is set correctly, any suggestions?
Thank you for all your input.
Tonya Heathco
Shrihari Sawant
As we all knows most of the members will follow their own ways to increase the exchange and if they are succesful in their ways they will never let it know the others, that whats I feel.
Collette Johnson
Collette's Naturals
Lynn is right. Also the busines exchange is a great way to see what all your Apsense friends are doing with their sites. You can get lots of good ideas for your own ABC that way. Plus that when viewing other's sites you are helping them, which is why we are all part of apsense, to help one another?
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
There is nothing to do with them. They will eventually get used as more members join and take part in the exchange. You just have a reserve. I have seen many members post that they have hundreds, but they keep surfing the exchange, because they know the credits will come in handy down the road :) Lynn
Marko S.
Web Presence Provider
Lynn, I agree with your point but I still don't know what to do now with my 186 business points?
Lynn I.
Earning Online Since 1999
There are many members who join the exchange and do not surf the exchange. When their free credits are gone, there business center will not bee seen until they start surfing the other business centers. I have noticed a definite increase in the amount of business centers added to the exchange. Look on the positive side when more members join Apsense and start using the exhange, you will have some credits ready to be used :) Lynn
Marko S.
Web Presence Provider
Well, I think that Biz-Exchange need some changes. I used it and I have about 186 BizExchange points and now what? In my center I have only 7 views. I expected that If I view 100 times, also I'll get at leas 50 views - this is the way how Traffic Exchange Networks works. I suggested some changes in new subject Official - ApSense Suggestions
Angel Greene
that is a good question i was wondering that same thing myself.
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Hi Joey,
another point not mentioned is that if you can not see the vote button set your screen resolution to 1024 x 768 (or higher) as this is the lowest viewing resolution that ensures you see everything on apsense.
Eric Smith
Online Professional
.... although most browsers do these days, you will need to ensure your browser supports frame based pages also...
Chester Lochhead
Hi Joey27,
Click My Account tab top right , then click the centre Biz-Exchange. You will see the frame at the top, with the vote button on the right which has a built in timer. time delay before you can vote.