Having A Problem With My Blog

Posted by Robert Phillips
Sep 18, 2007
Having A Problem With My Blog As am looking at past blog entrys that I put here with apsence am finding that there missing banners graphics and videos And links that should be clickable arent any more I did fix afew of my entrys just dont have the time to do it all today but kinda wondering why this has happen spend alot of time putting them here Any help would be greatfully Robert Phillips
Comments (23)
Robert Phillips



I do understand we all the discussions on this now many will know how to repost there blogs if they need to

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Thea

Very good explaining on this subject I guess we all have learned alittle now

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


HI Beth

Yes it very good to keep a copy just in case you need it like it this case

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Thea

Am sure people will not mind you reposting your blogs I did it the other day

They most of seen 15 by me in two hours

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Bj

Good Advice you layed out a very good idea of how to repost your blog to show the links and ect

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Chuck

Just go thur what bj said and you should be in good hands

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Thea

I think is this more of a learn process we should all be saving are blogs and other things we write for future use if needed

I have to say ive been doing this for year have hundreds laying around on disk and my hard drive

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Robert,

I had a very strong feeling that you would know how to do it.

Thats why I said "For those not familiar", as I know from questions I get that many do not know.

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Bj

Thanks for going over how to save your info I have already did that to mine so all I have to do is copy and paste it back here

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Eric

I dont think it will be a problem again sure there working out the bugs so to say

Focussing on new content is a good idea am going to do the same

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Robert Phillips


Hi Bj

I do know how to edit going to redo some today i know with the growth of the site they will ran into afew problems here and there so I do understand

Robert Phillips

Sep 20, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

I don't know if the following will simplify it for you, Chuck.

Basically, open the 'html' tab rather than the 'design' tab when you click on the 'Edit' for a blog.

Then cut and paste the 'html' of your blog's body content, to whatever location is safest for you.
This may be a txt doc., notepad or even a Word doc. will do.

It means that you will now have the format of your blog in a safe place to cut and paste it back in to the 'html' tab area, should the formatting ever disappear again.


Sep 19, 2007 Like it
Beth Schmillen

Hi Robert

I had noticed that this happened and contacted Bj right off... I haven't gone back thru all of my blogs yet...

but Bj makes an excellent point of how to make sure you can easily replace lost content... Actually, since this can happen while you are posting, it's a good idea to have the html or ubbcode content in notepad to begin... now, do I take my own advice? not often! (smile) LOL!


Sep 19, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

OK, I've now rehashed all my old blogs and reformatted them. I notice that they're all popping up through the Apsense Express once I've edited them.
If you keep seeing a lot of my blog postings in your Apsense Express today, I apologize and I figured that this was the best place for making known my apology for my prolific blog activity today.
It's also to let others know that this will happen when you go back and reformat all your blogs.
Give people a little room when you see a long trail of b

Sep 19, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Chuck,

All I can sugest is follow the instructions step by step and try it.

If you cant get it to work let me know and we will see where my instructions are failing.

Sep 18, 2007 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

I must be Technically challemnged.
Save in Html...
Delete the old Copy?
Then re-intall saved copy im Html Form or
Text Form?

Sep 18, 2007 Like it
Thea Westra

Adding Wings To Our Unique Life Journey!

Yukky, that's a bit of a nuisance.
I can see what I'll be doing this weekend (as if I didn't already have plenty to manage).
Ah well, that's life and it is good to have had another day above ground, with or without hiccups. :)
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~Charles Darwin~
"God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference." ~

Sep 18, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Eric,

I hope its not going to happen again however I have as a precaution placed a copy of all posts into text documants, so if it does happen again all i will need to do is copy and paste back while in the edit mode.

For those not familiar with how to do this.
follow this Procedure

Select blog.
make sure the layout and links are all working as they should be. if not correct them.

To make a back up.

Click on edit article
Click on the HTML tab
click any where in the

Sep 18, 2007 Like it
Eric Smith

Online Professional

I just checked and mine were DE-formatted as well.

Is this likely to be a regular problem ?

I'd rather focus on adding more content instead of Fixing up already published content.

The last time this happened the updates were meant to prevent it from happening again.

Sep 18, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Robert,

The only way to resolve the problem is to edit your blog posts and re do them.

You have the option to edit in the yellow box on the right of the page.

I had to spend a couple of hours yesterday going through all mine reformatting and putting the links back in.

Sep 18, 2007 Like it
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