How do you take advantage of Apsense--share your own ideas

Posted by Junwei Dong
Jun 24, 2010
All of us know that Apsense is  a kind of place  where we start  our own business or find new business chances. BUT different  people have different level of capability to take advantage of Apsense. I've seen some people gain a large amount of profit just from apsense, while others also gain huge profit from their own business through the promotion at Apsense. Of course , another part of people, still be at sea  for they donot know how to do something here.   So If you think you 've already got some success here ,just donot be stingy ,and share your own way--- I think it very helpful for beginners here.
Comments (17)
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@philippe yes they are easy to use IF you take your time especially for those that English is not a strong point. there is no need to rush as the guru's keep urging you to do. If a program is any good then it will sill be there and still be able to earn from it when you are ready. learn each feature in turn so you master it then start on the next one. My Favorite saying is you can not eat an elephant at one sitting but you can bite by bite.

Oct 17, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

You know what, @bjantiques, I plead guilty of what you said, I mean seeing your articles on how to get the most out of ApSense, and not taking the time to read anything there, too much in a hurry to see if I got new notifications, can I create a new blog, a new campaign, what is my next mission, what do I put in my next ezine, etc... There are many features here, very easy to use, probably too easy, it makes me see the trees but not the forest.

Oct 17, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


I have 2 suggestions
REVPAGES VOTING; now there is -i have it - i like it - i don't like it. Many times for me it is non of those. I would like to suggest to add "i'm not interested"

VOTING Bizz centers: make it voting with comments of minimum 200 caracters. Persons who than write "this is a great page" on an empty center than make a fool of themselvers

Oct 17, 2010 Like it
Sue Tamani

Easy Steps to Success Franchise

@bj, Cindy and Dawie - couldn't agree more with your comments. I feel a bit guilty cos I jumped straight in making RevPages etc without really learning the whole site and being a bit lazy by just asking my sponsor Mick when I got stuck. I will go and watch the training vids - cross my heart and hope to die!

Sep 14, 2010 Like it
Laura Mound

Thank you for all your guidance

Sep 13, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

I too was a newbie once, i personally learned more at Apsense that i can mention in 5000 chars, maybe 100000 to 500000 chars.
If you are serious about what you do, and want to learn, connect with the more senior members, follow their instructions, read, read, read, and then read some more. Their is literally 100's of blogs that has great information, tips to apply, and strategies to greatly improve your success online.
Regarding the spam issue, if someone keeps on spamming you, just forward th

Aug 29, 2010 Like it
Nnamdi A.

Internet Marketer

Apsense is a great place to be. You can build great backlinks for your sites here.

It is a shame that spammers are spoiling the show for everyone. But, I do not mind them. Apsense is now much more than the members to me. You will understand what I mean when you write a good, sizable content and post on Apsense. Go and search that content the next 24 hours on GOOGLE and you will find it there.

Not many sites can give you such power so we need to protect what we have.

Aug 29, 2010 Like it
Anginetta W.

International Marketing Consultant

I agree about the spam issue. I think it's rude to greet someone with your business opportunity.

Aug 8, 2010 Like it
Cindy Bolley


I love this place called APSense.
But few people are here to build relationships
They as BJ said are here to SPAM.
I wish that more people would learn HOW to use these type sites.
It really is the easiest form of marketing there is.
AND>>>> there is no need to SPAM.... NONE

You don't dance on the table at a cocktail party it is as simple as that.

Jun 29, 2010 Like it
Junwei Dong


year, absolutely,Apsense could let me have a lots of friends who have the same goal as mine

Jun 29, 2010 Like it
Sherry Emma Simpson

Smart Entrepreneur

Apsense is one of the best platforms to build backlinks to your site. Besides have a great number of friends here :)

Jun 28, 2010 Like it
Kathy George

I enjoy using Apsense's features and modules to advertise my links. I am still setting up some of the features. After I set up my Business Center with my programs and Business Blogs, I use "Twit This" to post the pages to Twitter.

Jun 27, 2010 Like it
Christopher Shaddock...

Wellness Enthusiast/Entrepreneur

I totally agree Bj. If people did take the time to read, watch videos, go step by step success would come a lot easier. Even then there is no guarantee, and if you start to see some profit it doesnt mean people will come to you overnight. Just like any business work hard at it, perservere and it will come.

Jun 25, 2010 Like it
Junwei Dong


Thank you very much.

Jun 25, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@SARs link resent to you

Jun 24, 2010 Like it
Junwei Dong


OH,I think you are right. It's no use without practice.

And could you send the link once more again? I regret missing it .

Jun 24, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

The reason many are "At Sea" as you put it is because they are too lazy to bother reading and finding out how things work.

I send all my contacts a link to a list of step by step tutorials on how to set things up here in APSense, and I know for a fact that there are very few that bother to even look at the initial post that gives the links to all the tutorials and out of those only one or two bother to look at the articles listed.

The help is there but it is still a fact that 99.9

Jun 24, 2010 Like it
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