Probiotic shop has produced a new website aiming to provide the best information on digestive health problems which can include serious yeast infections like candida albicans. The new websit provides information on the most important aspects of digestive health and probiotics for men women and children. Interested individuals can visit the site at

One of the more surprising pieces of information already on the site deals with the issue of yeast infections caused by antibiotics and the use of probiotics. Overgrowth of candida albicans and general yeast infections cause misery for millions of Americans and probiotics can play an important part in helping sufferers recover.

With a rapidly increasing worldwide obesity crisis, digestive health problems are on the increase and general information collected in one place like like this site will be of interest to anyone suffering from digestive health and gut problems.

In discussing the articles on the site and the concept generally, Dale Allred CEO of explained " The honest truth is that yeast overgrowth like candida albicans can damage the gut and even cause inflammation of the lining of the gut. This in turn can lead to health conditions such as IBS and it is now thought that Candida albicans, may even be linked to Crohn's Disease. Any information that can lead to people making an informed choice about what probiotics may be suitable for them and their families has got to be worthwhile. Digestive problems can be nasty and can impact your quality of life significantly so if you can find something that can allieviate or cure the symptoms in a natural, non invasive way that has to be better than resorting to prescription drugs if it can be avoided. Whilst we cannot see what is going on in our bodies, we can be very much aware of the symptoms of a gut problem and for general well being, a probiotic can be very useful"

Those sufferers and their families or anyone interested in general digestive health problems or anyone wanting to maintain a healthy digestive system, visit the website at

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