Some men may find that their sensual performance undergoes a decline in the winter months. If symptoms of performance dysfunction (such as weak tumescence, inability to release or lack of tumescence) occur primarily in the cold season, the source might be “the winter blues,” or seasonal affective disorder. While it’s important to rule out physiological sources behind poor male organ health, men should not discount the role emotional states play in physical well-being or lack thereof.

Tumescence relies on proper circulation of blood to the male organ. The process is fairly complex, involving several chemical messengers in the brain. When a person is depressed, these chemicals may be imbalanced. This is the physiological link between depression and performance dysfunction.  In addition, it’s just plain hard to get in the mood when one is feeling lousy. Men may take the following steps to combat winter depression and correlated physical symptoms.

Light Therapy

During the winter, the days grow shorter and we’re exposed to less direct sunlight. This means we’re lacking in vitamin D, which is important for the body and mind in a number of ways. In terms of mental well-being, low levels of this important vitamin have been linked to depression, though researchers aren’t sure exactly how they are connected.

The use of a light box can be equally as effective as antidepressants in treating depression, and is likely more appropriate for seasonal depression than medication, as it addresses the potential root cause. These boxes filter out most UV rays, making them safer for one’s skin.

Brace the Cold

Getting outside on the sunnier days is a good supplement to artificial light therapy. Going for a brisk walk is also a great way to manage weight during the winter and to wake up in the morning.

Keep Moving

Whether outside or in, exercise is a key component of depression treatment. When one works out, his or her body produces “feel-good” chemicals called endorphins. Exercise tends to make people more energetic and lively as well, which is good for those with depression, since fatigue is a common symptom. Finally, it’s just good for one’s overall health.

Vitamin D

Men can combat low levels of vitamin D by taking a supplement daily. This may take some time to have beneficial effects, as levels need to accumulate in the body for weeks or even months. This method is best employed alongside others on this list.

Boost Self-Confidence

Men can also naturally enhance their mood by paying some attention to their appearance and hygiene this winter. A daily shower is a good way to refresh oneself. If a man enjoys shaving his facial and body hair, he should not neglect these activities, since they likely leave him feeling fresh and clean. He might wish to buy himself a Christmas or New Year’s gift – maybe another pair of his favorite pants, or another one of his favorite shirts. Comfort and cleanliness are important for mental well-being.

Another gift a man can buy himself is a male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that benefits manhood health in a number of ways. Emollients like vitamin E and Shea butter keep skin smooth, soft and pleasant to the touch. Vitamin C boosts collagen production, keeping the skin elastic and youthful. Another key ingredient is L-arginine; it helps blood vessels relax and allows an in-rush of blood. This can support performance function, as tumescence is caused by blood flow to the male organ. Applying the cream daily is a fun process, too, as it gives a man a chance to handle his most pleasurable part and show it some extra love.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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