There's an enormous emphasis placed on having a sculpted body by society, but in one area at least a bit of extra heft is welcome – that’s the male organ. A tool with a certain girth is often prized by many partners, but when it comes to an actual overly-wide manhood, there seems to be less value attached to the tool. Naturally, male organ health is generally of greater importance in the long run than size, but the question of how much girth is acceptable on a fat male organ is still one worth examining.

What is an overly-wide male organ?

Many people may not be familiar with an overly-wide male organ, which is often designated by various slang words in popular culture. In strict terms, any male organ that has a greater circumference than length could be considered overly-wide.

So, for example, a man with a tool that measures six inches in length and five-and-a-half in girth is simply packing a fat male organ. A man with a tool of the same length but a girth of six-and-a-half inches is in possession of an overly-wide member.

Do they really exist?

There is some debate as to whether overly-wide members really exist or whether the term has simply been applied to members that are of an exceptional thickness yet are not actually thicker than they are long. While there does not seem to be reliable data on the subject, it seems fair to guess that some overly-wide members do exist, especially when the member in question is on the shorter side, but that they are quite rare.

But while members that are overly-wide may be rare, a fat male organ is much more common. When that thickness is married to a long tool, many partners swoon. When part of a rather short tool, however, it may have an appearance that makes a man feel self-conscious or embarrassed.

Own it.

In fact, there's no reason for a man with a fat male organ to regret its thickness. While the typical image of a stud involves a man with a very long rod, the fact is that many women achieve greater stimulation from thicker members. A 2001 study of 50 women actually found that 45 of them preferred a manhood that was thick rather than long.

The reasoning behind this is that the wider the equipment, the greater the amount of female organ stimulation it can easily provide. In addition, researchers think that the thicker tool provides a "fuller" feeling to the woman when inserted, which in turn creates a more psychologically satisfying experience during sensual contact.

In other words, that fat male organ may in fact provide a sensual joyride that offers greater excitement than that provided by its "slim Jim" counterpart. Chubbiness may not be desired around a man's abdomen, but in the manhood department, it can be a definite asset – and those with girthier tools need to take proud ownership of this fact.

Lubrication is important.

That said, those with overly-wide appendages are well advised to make sure they use plenty of lubricant and to engage in a sufficient amount of pre-play before penetrating. The massive manliness can require extra help in being properly inserted. But once in, the way is clear to providing great delight.

The tightness that men with a fat male organ experience during penetration, even when lubricated, can result in some soreness or even rawness of the tool. That's why regularly using a top-drawer male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is necessary. The best creams include wonderful hydrating ingredients (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) that can help soothe even the sorest overly-wide member. In addition, if the cream also contains a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid, it will help to diminish the dreaded wrinkled male member look that can come from many sources, including rough handling from lack of sufficient lubrication. Using the proper cream will enable a fat male organ to stay healthy for maximum fun.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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