Shortlist of people who should NOT be in business:

1. Naysayers
2. Whiners
3. Complainers
4. Needy people
5. Berserkers (those who get really angry about nothing)
6. Nit-pickers
7. Freebie-seekers (there is no "free lunch", sorry)
8. Blamers
9. Tire-kickers
10. Spectators (i.e. people who go into business but never DO
anything nor PAY to join)

If you fit any of these categories, please don't waste your time - go look for employment somewhere

This was posted on Facebook by Heather Mlm Reid

I'd like to add something one of my mentors have kept saying to me, and it took me a long time to understand. He always said: "Stay away from negatives, let's build our business."

He told me that because I believed I could convince some bullies that being nice was a better approach to business. They wouldn't listen, and they started bullying me instead. I now ignore them. They were wasting my time and energy. Nowadays, when I see one of them comment on something, I delete the notification, and the smile is back on my face.

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