The myth is that building a business online is somehow easy, requiring little work, even less time, and almost zero investment. People want to short circuit the work and go straight to the riches. Many sites out their play on that misconception by offering to do the work for you?or telling you it?s easy?or some other variation.

Please understand that this myth is just that. There is no short cut to success but work and sweat equity. The less money you have to invest the harder you will need to work to achieve the same results.

Don?t get me wrong, the mechanical aspects of building a list and creating ads and getting posted are straight forward, and with a little work anyone can  master those tasks.

With judicious use of investment dollars, advertising on the net to get your product or service seen does not have to be expensive.

But you do have to TAKE ACTION.

No action equals no results no matter what that program promised.

I start with one admonishment: Do Something For Your Business Everyday!

To begin with I suggest that you create a routine and stick to it.

For instance you decide to sit down at X hour every day and work for X hours? X number of days a week. Yes things will come up preventing that?but stick to your routine as if your life depended on it.

Don?t just sit there reading emails, do something which can be as simple as emailing your list, or added people to your list, or phoning a prospect.

Even if you have only one hour a day?if you use your time wisely you will find success.


When you are committed to doing something every day you?ll be amazed how doorways begin to open for you.

Now there is a lot more to success on the internet but this is the starting point.

When I go to bed, before lights out, I ask myself what I did to help my business along that day.  This is great re-enforcement.

So commit now! If you want to send me your committment please feel free to do so. I sent my upline my comittment to the end of the year?that way it is writing and someone else has seen it.

To Your Prosperity

Nick Grimshawe

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