100% Adsense Revenue Sharing and Referrals site. Submit Daily Deals, coupons and blog/articles build backlinks and make money online.

If you are not a Google AdSense Publisher, the following may not concern you at all, except if you're already planning on making money online, in this case open an AdSense account, otherwise you don't need to read any further and can enjoy to the fullest extend by discovering new blogs,and all kinds of Dealsand coupons, for this go to the home page.

If you are a Google AdSense Publisher, perhaps you already know about the AdSense Revenue Sharing concept and you would like to know the details of the program? Now, if you want the details of our "classic" AdSense revenue sharing program, here they are:

- For each DEALS/coupons/blogs you submit to, an AdSense block with your ID will be located closest to the title of your content, at the best spot in terms of CTR, 100% of the time.

If you have never heard about the AdSense Revenue Sharing concept before and you're afraid it might get you into trouble with AdSense, here are a few facts you should know:

- AdSense Revenue Sharing is allowed by Google, it has been happening on many community-based websites in the past, as far back as 2004 (AdSense is born in 2003)

- Several AdSense Publisher ID can be displayed on a single page, as long as the total number of ad blocks is within AdSense policies (3 Ads blocks, 3 Adlinks, 2 AdSense search boxes)

- The website offering AdSense Revenue Sharing has to comply with AdSense TOS (Terms of Service) otherwise ads will be disabled on it (the accounts won't be banned). doesn't violate AdSense policies.

- has developed a STOP -word system which disable AdSense display as soon as one of a list of STOP -words has been detected in the url, title or description of the link submitted. Those words include casino, porn, etc. Words which relate to TOPICS not allowed by AdSense.

- If you are thinking of abusing by displaying your AdSense ads on the site and clicking on them yourself, think twice: it doesn't matter where your AdSense ads are displayed on, if you're caught doing that, your account will be banned by AdSense, and there's no going back, no second chance!

THE BEST FOR THE END! ADSENSE REVENUE SHARING GETS EVEN BETTER WITH REFERRALS...When you refer a new member to with your referral link, you will have your AdSense ID displayed on every content pages this member submits, 100% of the time, for life! You'll even get a link to your site. Your AdSense ad will be located at the end of the DEALS, COUPONS AND BLOG POST. When a member with no Adsense ID submits a DEALS , you can see an AdSense ad at the very bottom of the DEALS, Coupons and blog post , this is the third ad (out of the three allowed by AdSense on a single page) and it is replaced with your AdSense ad on every pages submitted by members you referred. If you promote your referral link to your online friends and visitors, your AdSense earnings will quickly add up! :-)Have a look at all the efficient referrer's tools you can use to promote your referral link..

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