Best place to submit articles - updated with link to good article directories

Posted by Philippe Moisan
1696 Pageviews
What is the best kind place to submit articles ?
  1. Well-known article directories like
  2. Lesser known sites like Triond, you get paid for views and clicks on AdSense ads
  3. Niche sites like
For overall recognition by the Internet Community, EzineArticles is best. However, they won't pay you, and it can take up to 7 days for your article to be approved. It depends of your reputation. The more you publish at EzineArticles, the more you are recognized as an expert in your chosen field(s). Many people submit their articles at EzineArticles, even professional writers.

BTW, here's a nice link to good article directories

Triond uses an advertisement system. You get paid depending on the number of views, and the number of clicks on the ads surrounding the articles, cause they are Google AdSense ads. The approval process is fast, sometimes immediate, cause it's done by an automatic system that checks if you put links in the body of the article.

One of my friends counts on article marketing on paying sites like Triond and Bukisa to eventually make a living. In the case of Bukisa, there is a referral system, so you make money with efforts of your downline.

Self-Growth is a site with thousands of authors, many recognized as experts in their chosen field(s). It's a kind of Social Marketing site for the personal development niche, IMO. With time, you can build a following there, if you are active.

Which do you prefer ? Why ? Maybe you use all 3 types of sites ?