By Infusionsoft


Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it...especially in a small business. If your wish is to sell more, your success could prevent future growth and the reason is simple. Every sale creates a new customer, which in turn creates greater demands on your time. You need to deliver products AND get paid for it, which involves back-office work that can distract you from future growth.


To keep your growth on track, automate the delivery of certain elements of your customer service to ensure that no customer slips through the cracks. This can be done by creating an autoresponder sequence for customers that sends a thank you card or gift and follows-up after a few weeks with a survey about how they like your product. You'd be surprised at how much this helps people feel appreciated.


You also have to make sure you get paid. Invoices need to be created, revenue needs to be collected, and past due bills need to be followed up on. This is also ripe for automation. Systems like Infusionsoft can create invoices, collect revenue via credit cards and PayPal, add past-due customers to collection campaigns, and more.

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