Watch out for those scams,

Posted by John Guy
924 Pageviews

Watch out for those scams

Hey guys,

I know I know you've heard it all before.

But I'm not kidding, there are alot of scams out there.
That includes alot of pre-launch businesses.
I'm not saying they are two of a kind, what I am saying is alot
of pre-launch don't launch or when they do and they have all the
people on board they just take the money and run.

Yes I've been involved in a few.

There are alot of companies that come and go, fly by night
businesses built by unscrupolous people who just want to take your money.
TAKE YOUR MONEY and do one.

Just watch yourselves. Be careful.

Do your due dilligence.

There are 4 things you should look at:
1. The company. What makes them tick.
2. The people behind the company. What are there credentials
3. The products. Are they real, are they promotable.
4. The business. The system behind the business. Is that promotable.

Just be careful.

"Better to be safe than sorry". Do your due dilligence.

john guy.