I'm thinking that if we are all honest about it, most of us would rather find the $10 million. However, there are not many opportunities for any of us to make that kind of choice now, is there?
Thanks for being honest, Sondra... I suppose the question will be answered differently if receiving the money means you have no chance at finding True Love.... that'll be a real empty 10 million... because true love is very special.
I think true love is easier to find than you might think. The key is...drumroll, please...starting out with friendship and honesty, then love can follow. For me, I'll be reaI, I want the money...and I want it now! LOL!
Comments (11)
Oswald Rodrigues
Gimme the 10 million smackeroos any day. I can then buy all the true/bogus love I want with a fraction of that moolah. Honest answer.
Richard A.
AdCityMarketing,Marketing Agency
Money Without Love is just a Pile of Paper all by itself!!
Leon Horton
Advertising Site Owner
I'm thinking that if we are all honest about it, most of us would rather find the $10 million. However, there are not many opportunities for any of us to make that kind of choice now, is there?
Joe Henning
Your Profit Connection
Thanks for being honest, Sondra... I suppose the question will be answered differently if receiving the money means you have no chance at finding True Love.... that'll be a real empty 10 million... because true love is very special.
Sondra C.
Virtual Entrepreneur
I think true love is easier to find than you might think. The key is...drumroll, please...starting out with friendship and honesty, then love can follow. For me, I'll be reaI, I want the money...and I want it now! LOL!
Pedro M.
Well Michael, most likely it would start as a true false love, just to get her hands on a piece of the "cake"...:)
Mike G.
Love....I have bigger expections than that money....I can live 3 lifetimes and not find true love.
Tunde Oloruntoba
Thanks Mr. Michael for the contribution.. Yeah, i sure agree to that.
Michael Dunbar Jr
Chief Fun Officer
I Would Rather find $10,000,000. With $10,000,000 I bet True Love will find me.
Tunde Oloruntoba
Hmmhmm.. Someday i home to find a true love right now, that money is much more important, thanks for the nice post
Jhun T.
i would like to find the money because i already found a true love