Whether the health products sold in online are reliable?

Posted by Vijaya Lakshmi
Dec 6, 2016
9 people like it
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Comments (19)
Santu Steyn

Gadget Provider

Amazon is best sites for online shopping.

Dec 6, 2016 Like it
Renxei Herev

health consultant

An adjusted eating routine that incorporates new foods grown from the ground can help you keep up great oral wellbeing. Limit garbage nourishments and sugary sustenances, particularly nourishments and beverages containing high fructose corn syrup.

Jul 7, 2016 Like it
Avha Ahuja

Fitness classes, gyms, studios and fitness members

Carl W. First year recruit web deisgn much the same as doing whatever other items or administrations both on and disconnected from the net you must be carefull of what you arrive is apportion of scalawag out in world and they attempt to trick anybody they can

Mar 28, 2016 Like it
Deb Simpson

Health/Fitness Advocate

@Joe Henning. I agree and was not trying to go off on another direction. I was simply commenting on what you said while also speaking to the topic of discussion, which asked if health products sold online were reliable, by sharing some information that I thought might show that some products sold online do have merit.

Dec 20, 2014 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Just found this on my Facebook (one of a few I get daily stuff from) and thought it was good enough to share... look at http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/04/13/the-mother-of-all-antioxidants/ - made by our bodies, depending on our diets!!!

Dec 19, 2014 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

Most of the ones I see online have some kind of affiliate plan or MLM attached and are significantly overpriced to cover the marketing.

Dec 19, 2014 1 Like Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Thanks, @Deb Simpson for the response. However, I merely expressed my personal feelings as a reply to the question. OUR discussion should not hi-jack a discussion started by someone else, but should be done via a separate campaign.

Dec 19, 2014 Like it
Deb Simpson

Health/Fitness Advocate

@Joe Henning The product that I said I could recommend has undergone clinical testing at Brunswick Laboratories of Massachusetts. It was done by subjecting the product to the highest standard of clinical research — independent, double blind, placebo-controlled study. This type of study follows a specific set of procedures to ensure the results are dependable and free from bias. If you are looking for recommendations, would it help to know that the Phoenix Suns and the Charlotte Bobcats teams b

Dec 18, 2014 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

I'm sure I have read about warnings when purchasing health products on line, as unfortunately many have been found to contain unknown 'filler' substances. I would be very hesitant, unless I find credible resources making positive recommendations WITHOUT referral links.

Dec 15, 2014 Like it
Lab Equipment

Lab Equipment Supplier

Not all the products sold online are reliable. Find helpful customer reviews before buying.

May 2, 2014 Like it
Carl W.

web deisgn

just like doing any other products or services both on and offline you have to be carefull of what you get there is allot of con artist out in world and they try to fool anyone they can

Jun 6, 2012 Like it
Mark Ng

Internet Marketer

Just be sure of the CONTENTS/INGREDIENTS and the functions of the products before consuming. In doubts, consult your doctor.

May 26, 2012 Like it
Manda Rock


some others are not trustworthy, you should examine whether the product can be trusted or not

May 16, 2012 Like it
Merly M.

Health Advocate, Networker

@ Deb Simpson

I agree! but, you can't include USANA Health Sciences in this statement :

"The solid ones contain a lot of filler, so your body doesn't absorb all of the ingredients that you are paying for"

USANA products is highly potent, bioavailable and safe.

May 14, 2012 1 Like Like it
Deb Simpson

Health/Fitness Advocate

I know for certain that some of them are excellent in delivering what they promise while others are just smoke and mirrors, designed to relieve you of your hard earned dollars. Do your research before buying. If you are looking at supplements, I would recommend a liquid form rather that a solid pill or tablet. The solid ones contain a lot of filler, so your body doesn't absorb all of the ingredients that you are paying for, and the part that doesn't absorb can stay in your digestive tract for

May 10, 2012 1 Like Like it
Merly M.

Health Advocate, Networker

Not all health products sold online are reliable, if you're in doubt of your products you buy online refer to this website NutriSearch by Lyl Macwilliam, he recommends 3-4 Top nutritional products available for shopping online.

Apr 29, 2012 Like it
Krisshan K Sundriyal

Life Force Energy Transmitters

Look out for the feedback from the internet n then buy.

Apr 6, 2012 Like it
William Bauwens

Dare to compare

i think most of the online shops are good if you buy them from companies not from received emails or so... go see here if you want good products plexusslim.com/57348

Apr 3, 2012 Like it
John Wilson

Health Expert & Editor

really great post thanks ......

Apr 2, 2012 1 Like Like it
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