What's the difference between a lead capture page, a splash page and a squeeze page?

Posted by Rob Burns
Nov 1, 2012
Comments (7)
Rob Burns

IBO, CEO, Dealer, Direct Sales

Thanks for all of the reply's. I recently created two splash pages, one with a click able banner to my site and one with my auto responder to see what kind of results that I would get. In one week I had over 3,000 views ( 3800 exactly ) with the banner and only 3 opt-in with the auto-responder. This tells me that more people are to click on a banner, then sign-up at your site then to give you a name and email address. Any opinions?

Nov 1, 2012 Like it
Tunde Obasemola

Affiliate Marketer

A lead capture and opt in form are the same. Both are intended to collect information from a prospective customer/client while a splash page is smaller and leads to a lead capture page or the main website.

Oct 18, 2012 Like it
Peg Phillips

Super6Power Team / Co-Founder

Every page you create, regardless of what it is called, should always have an opt in form of some kind to capture your visitor's email address so that you have permission to communicate with them. This distinguishes you as a legitimate marketer and not a spammer.

Oct 13, 2012 Like it
Jim Smith

Marketing Entrepreneur

Interesting discussion. Stupid me, I kind of thought they were all the same. For many years I just drove traffic to my primary marketing site until I realized I had no clue who was visiting my site. I would post a banner ad and get 1,000 click-through's with no sales and nothing to show for it. It was then I heard about the idea of list building. Arguably one of the most valuable assets one can have: A large list of double opt-in clients and prospects that we can market to anytime we want

Sep 27, 2012 Like it
Todd Perry

Honest ways

A splash page does not have an optin from on it. It is a mini sales page, A lead capture page and a squeeze page are the same thing, They both have an optin form on it to get visitors info like Paul said.

Sep 27, 2012 Like it
Paul Peeters

Internet Marketer and Coach

Well, Jose has it about right :
a splash page and a landing page are esentially both SALES PAGES, the splash pages being very condensed and optimized for TE's because all the info shows on a single screen without having to scroll. A Landing page is in fact ANY page of a website that you can choose as your sales page, depending on what you think is the best info to attract customers. Many programs however make seperate landing pages you can choose from, seperately from the web pages in their si

Sep 24, 2012 Like it
Jose Palomino


A squeeze page or opt in page, is a website that has a sign up box where people will enter their information,. - A splash page is a very short sales page with a link to take the visitor to a landing page or their main website. - The landing page sends the visitor off to the main website after letting them see their sales pitch.

Sep 23, 2012 Like it
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