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Comments (34)
Dimond M.
Multi Level Marketing
Automated Bitcoin Trading Robot is the Answer!
Imagine if you had a fully automated Bitcoin trading robot, working for you on autopilot around the clock?
Trading Around The Clock??? Even on weekends??
Forget Forex limitations such as not trading on weekends, Bank Holidays and other Holidays.
Three number's of Investment plan's were developed, which can satisfy the needs of both small and large investor's,
QUAD BIT-1% TO 2%Daily-MINIMUM - $100 -MAXIMUM - $500,
Jim Smith
Marketing Entrepreneur
I was in a deal recently that has gone belly up. I made some nice money, BUT, the dust hasn't settled and I may have to give it back (remember Madoff?). These deals are exciting for awhile but how good are they if you eventually have to gove it back? I personally look got more long term solid businesses now. One I can will to my children and grand-children when I pass.
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Payza no longer supports HYIP programs ------- does this statement still not get the message through the thick heads of those promoting HYIPs ? -- unfortunately I cannot make the text size any bigger, but I will try yet again to explain it ----- HYIPs ARE ILLEGAL ----- for those that are still not getting it, I refer you to for further explanation. This also means that egopay is not to be trusted as it is supporting illegal programs such as HYIPs
Rieke F.
I am from Europe and I cannot recommend Payza. It is correct that due to the fact that Payza does no longer support HYIP programs you need another way to pay into them. Therefore egopay was created. You pay into those programs which aren't no longer supported through Payza through egopay.
But attention: there are some programs which are using instead of egopay another processor... So it might be when you like to go with Payza you need more than 1 processor to where you can send your money and
Bj aka Bill Brown
Hosting and Backup Service provider
Why has no one answered my question yet?? [Quote]
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I Hosting and Backup Service provider
I want to know what egopay holds your money as. is it as Credits, ego dollars egopay dollars or and other oddball name os is it in real dollar's, euro's, or other real currency? [/quote]
Denis Inskip
Telecomms Engineer, Retired
I suggest you signup free with Payza(was AlertPay), EgoPay and PayPal. I use PayPal
for Subscription Payments, EgoPay for Withdrawals/Transfers to Payza and Payza to
Withdraw Funds to my Bank & CreditCard Accounts.
Payza is an online account where your money is paid from whatever system you’re involved in that offers to pay via Payza. This is similar to paypal if you’re familiar with paypal. There are some countries that don’t have access to paypal, most of these countries have Alertpay as alternative. You will need to setup ‘Business’ account or ‘Personal Pro’.
Egopay is another online account just like paypal and payza. They are pretty new and generally accepted to be very good as well. Ma
Dicky Pranata
Online Business Networking
paypal or payza is good, egopay is excahnger to payza.
Connie Robertson
I just heard on a webinar that Payza is not stopping all sites. I know 2 bucks 2 join and Wealth2Xtreme can still use them.
Alejandro Taberdo
paypal mate for safety
Kathy Z.
Auto diagnostic tool seller
Paypal. It is more famous and wildly used around the world. And you could find which one suits your business.
Lawa Raj Timsina
Web Developer
I Think You Should take PayPal.
Luther Smith
Leisto Industrial Co. Ltd
I prefer Pay pal....................
Johannes M.
Local Business Consultant.
I trust PayPal as I have been using their service since 2003 and among others I still rate them 98%. When you talk about EgoPay still new and I can't comment for now.
Aaron M.
Financial Advisor
you can open an account on them all since they are free. now depends on the business you are in, use what's available on that program. If they are all available start using the best. paypal and alertpay is the best I think.
Ljerka S.
Paypal is the most secure in my opinion. But you can't use it for all purposes because they make strict selection. The second thing is we know nothing about EgoPay as it has been offered as a new possibility. So there are two things: 1) why you need an account
2) which is safer. If you want to buy something and use your credit card use PayPal. If you want to do business, try EgoPay.
Gayathri Dilip
For me paypal is the best always
Among all e-payment proc, I got the best services and protection from PayPal, as their slogan: KISSS!...(Im not in a mission to promote them, but they have to thank me when read this....:D ..). Contrary treatment I got from the former AlertPay and slightly better from the new Payza, though problem with CC sometimes occurred.
Payza is still on the track of business, I dont see any reason to open a new account such that called EgoPay for legal and licensed programs. ..:)
Velli M.
Blog Developer, Publisher, Affiliate
for me, PayPal is still better.
Ricky M.
work at home dad
paypal is ok if you live in the us. but i heard other countries have problem with them