Bears...there were plenty of black bears where I grew up in central Alberta. I was responsible for herding the milk cows to and from pasture twice a day (almost two miles) and there was one time when a young cow came in with a big bear claw gash down her hind quarters. In the beginning, it was often just me and my dog...boy was I glad when I got a horse!!!
Kishor Meswani, nothing is silly as a kid especailly like that. I remember going to a house that was dark for the most part and my uncle asked them why they had a curtain on a wall with no window. He moved the curtain back and it looked like the wall was moving slowly. He move a lamp took the shade off to my horror...the wall was layered full of roaches!
Comments (10)
Nelson Meggitt
OptimumWellness Coach
Bears...there were plenty of black bears where I grew up in central Alberta. I was responsible for herding the milk cows to and from pasture twice a day (almost two miles) and there was one time when a young cow came in with a big bear claw gash down her hind quarters. In the beginning, it was often just me and my dog...boy was I glad when I got a horse!!!
Mike G.
Sowsan Attia and Jayshree Patel, not down with the lizards myself. Thanks
Mike G.
Ntobeko Kubheka, growing up I use to go to the grave yard to find snakes. I loved them coming up...thanks.
Mike G.
Kishor Meswani, nothing is silly as a kid especailly like that. I remember going to a house that was dark for the most part and my uncle asked them why they had a curtain on a wall with no window. He moved the curtain back and it looked like the wall was moving slowly. He move a lamp took the shade off to my horror...the wall was layered full of roaches!
Jayshree Patel
Self Employed & Internet Marketing
ya its true Lizard afraid of it. even today I can't see it.
Sowsan Attia
Red Sea Mall
Lizard ! I afraid of it. even today I can't see it.
Percy Kubheka
Data capturer
yooh a snake really gave me creeps couldn't even watch it on TV.
Kishor Meswani
Silly but cockroaches are just as obnoxious and scary!
Mike G.
Kshitij Bhanu, yeah horror movies had just about us all scared at some point. Thanks
Kshitij Bhanu
Horror movies..!!! I still don't watch horror movies :p