What is the limit of characters used in a PPC Ad?

Posted by Liz Seyi
Aug 10, 2024
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Comments (5)
Erine Kerly

Seo professional and link builder

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Aug 10, 2024 Like it
Justin Langer

Content Manager

The character limits for PPC ads can vary depending on the platform. Here are some common limits for popular platforms:
Google Ads:

Headline 1: 30 characters
Headline 2: 30 characters
Headline 3: 30 characters (optional)
Description 1: 90 characters
Description 2: 90 characters (optional)
Path (optional): 15 characters per path

Bing Ads (Microsoft Ads):

Headline 1: 30 characters
Headline 2: 30 characters
Headline 3: 30 characters (optional)

Aug 9, 2024 Like it
Goddy Ken M.

Content/Article writer,Digital Mkt.

The limit of characters used in a PPC ad varies depending on the platform and ad type. Here are the character limits for some popular platforms:

1. Google Ads:
- Headline: 30 characters
- Description line 1: 90 characters
- Description line 2: 90 characters
- Display URL: 15 characters (optional)
- Final URL: 2048 characters

2. Facebook Ads:
- Text: 125 characters
- Headline: 25 characters
- Link description: 30 characters
- Display URL: 30 characters
- Call to action button: 30 characters


Aug 5, 2024 Like it
Amanda M.

Part-time Writer and Blogger

Use up to 90 characters for each description.

Jul 30, 2024 1 Like Like it
Varsha Lowanshi

Seo Expert

Your text ad consists of three headlines where you can enter up to 30 characters each to promote your product or service. The headlines are separated by a vertical pipe ("|") and may show differently based on the device someone is using when they view your ad.

Jul 29, 2024 1 Like Like it
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