What do you understand by Facebook Edgerank?

Posted by Liz Seyi
Aug 12, 2024
Comments (2)
Patrick Adam


Facebook EdgeRank was the name of the algorithm Facebook used to determine which posts appear in a user's News Feed. It was introduced around 2009 and was crucial for content visibility on the platform. Although Facebook no longer uses the term "EdgeRank" specifically, its concepts still influence how posts are ranked and displayed. Here’s a breakdown of its key components:

Affinity Score: Measures the relationship between the user and the content creator. Posts from users with whom you inter

Aug 12, 2024 Like it
Mack Johnson

Word Weavers

Launched earlier in 2013, EdgeRank is Facebook's algorithm that determines the content displayed in users' news feeds and its prominence. This algorithm is central to Facebook, influencing not only the visibility of updates from friends but also the posts made by pages.

Facebook has two main feed sections: the main feed and the Reels feed. Each section uses its own algorithms to organize and display content for users.

To predict what content users will find valuable and engaging, Facebook empl

Jul 31, 2024 Like it
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