They are two different venues.
Facebook page have been generating fantastic sales monthly for several clients. Some over $25,000 each month, but they have eager and responsive 20,000 niche followers.
APSense has not been as financially rewarding, but many long term relationships have been built since I joined the first year
This is an old question answered earlier also that both have different niche of social and business crowd, disregarding the fact that both are also used for cross purposes. Somehow FB is no more as interesting or useful as it used to be in earlier days. I use APSense more interactively than FB these days.
Comments (14)
Lisa Marks
Diva Fashions/BeautyEnhancing
I really don't see a difference with the two. I'm getting the same results with both.
William V.
Internet Marketer
Apsense! Hands down!
Kaleem Ahmad
SEO Executive
Both social Site is very best for Promote your Products, like as share link discussion
Emily Marie
i suggest both of you recommended .......
Tudor Vlădoi
online marketer, sfi-bronze leader!
I agree with Yogesh! Yes! I think this sites can't be compared!!!
Sheryl K. Malone
Custom Logo Design by Award Winners
Both social sites are good to promote your products!!
Yogesh S.
for Friends Facebook , and for earning money and promoting sites I use Apsense.
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
I prefer APSense because I am more comfortable working with APSense.
Chuck Bartok
Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
They are two different venues.
Facebook page have been generating fantastic sales monthly for several clients. Some over $25,000 each month, but they have eager and responsive 20,000 niche followers.
APSense has not been as financially rewarding, but many long term relationships have been built since I joined the first year
Ivy Xie
Sales Manager
I prefer to Apsense. It can bring more traffic to website
Kishor Meswani
This is an old question answered earlier also that both have different niche of social and business crowd, disregarding the fact that both are also used for cross purposes. Somehow FB is no more as interesting or useful as it used to be in earlier days. I use APSense more interactively than FB these days.
Sridhar Paruchuri
Web Strategist
Both are Good. Anyway you can't compare these two.... hope you know the answer..
FB can used many purposes .... while apsense is a business networking site ... there is no way we can compare these two.