Is There a Best Way to Lose Weight?

Posted by Amit K.
Sep 25, 2017
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Comments (15)
Maurice Williams

Network Marketer

yes the best way to lose weight is getting the proper nutrition your body needs on a regular basis. We all know how hard that is to do simply from eating the right foods. So IDnutrition is natural supplementation that is designed just for you body type to give you the proper nutrition your body needs daily. Please visit my page for more information.

Sep 25, 2017 Like it
Jonathan Warner


abs exercise can help you to lose weight

Dec 4, 2015 Like it
Hieronymus Franck

SEO Marketing

Regular exercise best ways for loss weight.

Dec 2, 2015 Like it
Isaac Howie

Body Sculpting & Zeltiq Procedure

Best way for weight lose to avoid junk food and oily meal. Do exercise daily as well as walk. Try to drink green tea two or three times in a day. Do not sleep immediately after dinner walk for 10 or 15 minute is good for health. Take more water.

Nov 6, 2015 Like it
Santa Medical

Gurin Products

Regular exercise best ways for loss weight.
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Nov 3, 2015 Like it
Health Care

Health Care Enrollment USA

Do exercise more then consuming calories. Do not eat junk food, oily food and high fats food.

Nov 2, 2015 Like it
Jami Stancill

Health Care Expert

Firstly, Eat low fat and low oil food. walking is most important to loss weight.

Oct 17, 2015 1 Like Like it
Healthymini Market


Joe, i am not trying to hi-jack this thread, just wanted to share the products with what, one can loose weight easily without doing so much efforts.

Oct 16, 2015 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Firstly, Healthymini Market is trying to hi-jack your thread, Amit K. You can easily remove their spammy comment if you wanted to. Secondly, the reason you pick up weight is that you burn less calories than you're eating. Just eat less, walk a few hundred yards everyday and try not to eat dinner after sunset (in other words, eat dinner before the sun sets) and you will lose weight. There is no need at all to use tablets or potions, they're all junky ways to make you spend money and not because t

Oct 15, 2015 Like it
Healthymini Market


Garcinia Active Slim is an ideal weight loss supplement having two powerful ingredients. Garcinia cambogia is having huge weight loss properties and you can assure results with the use of this product.

Oct 14, 2015 Like it
Rajeev Sahadevan

Online Marketer

shut up and get your ass off that couch. Thats the best way to lose weight

Oct 12, 2015 Like it
Isabelle Esling

published author-certified teacher-

The best way to lose weight is to have a physical activity, to drink plenty of water, to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, preferably cook with olive oil and eat low fat yoghurt.

Of course you have to give up industrial, processed food such as crisps. Reduce fat and sugar in any case. A healthy lifestyle always helps. Add grapefruit to your diet, as it helps loosen fat on the body.

Oct 9, 2015 Like it
Lemont Wells

Web Desinger & Affiliate Marketer

The best way to really Lose weight is to not eat at all! Of course you have to eat to live but it's really what are eating. One the other best ways to lose weight is to rest your body go to bed early dont stay up late into the morning hours.

Oct 7, 2015 Like it
Verona F.

Affiliate Market, Health & Wellnes

Losing weight is easier said than done. If you want to just lose water weight, exercises where you you perspire, will help and after a while you will see a reduction in weight.
If you want to lose fat, then this takes a more strenuous work out, where you exert more energy than you take in. Now this kind of work out will build muscles, so your weight may not go down, instead you will have a leaner, trimmer figure with less fat.
Hope this helps..
Find weight weight loss products on Ardyss

Oct 7, 2015 Like it
Cristina Lopez

Aprendiz del Marketing

I think eating from all food but not much quantity can maintain ideal weight and thus no more weight than necessary catch

Oct 7, 2015 Like it
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