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"APSense 2025 sounds like a game-changer for businesses, emphasizing innovation and growth."
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Comments (17)
Antonio F.
Bisognerebbe parlare di cose reali e non sensazioni. Spesso le persone dicono che alcune aziende sono delle truffe perchè loro non erano pronti o adatti a fare quel tipo di attività. Spesso sono delle vere e proprie truffe, vanno sempre analizzati tutte e due i lati della medaglia, mai fermarsi all apparenza
Robert Hebel
Website Traffic
I would tell people that it's a scam or the product is over rated I would hope they would do the same in return
faii acy
GPT Site Owner/Operator
I would describe them as a spammer, not a scammer. Unless you have spent some of your own money and not gotten the promised payouts it's an unprofitable program but not a scam. Scam to me implies losing money but not necessarily not MAKING money
Isabelle Esling
published author-certified teacher-
How would you describe a "marketing society" that promises earnings to you and once you unsubscribe keeps spamming your email account?
Phillip McCloud
Franchise Your Way To Success
Initially, my response would be yes, it's okay to tell your friends and associates. However, one must be cautious with the modem they use to express this, and with the claims one is making. Any claim of fraud, scam or other unacceptable and/or illegal activity must be backed with personal knowledge. The he said/she said claim could cause you more legal problems if the claims are found to be unfounded and causes damage to the company you're referencing.
Sanjeev Kapoor
A Technocrat and Business strategist
absolutely yes and this will help.
Isabelle Esling
published author-certified teacher-
oh yes...i was confronted with one who added me...when i deleted him as a contact, he was very angry...the guy wanted to send me adds in my inbox ten times a day without me reacting to it lol
CW Johnson the Human...
I embrace ALL aspects of ME!
Warn about scams? Not only is it ok, its a good way to meet people and get ranked on google. I have exposed more scams than I can count and I will continue.
Bruce Bates
Cooperative marketing
faii those who have already joined, never listen when you tell them what they have joined is a scam. In fact most people tend to get very defensive, offended, tell you all the reasons they believe its not a scam, etc. You are correct, those people will never listen.
However those who are thinking of joining, or the newer people to the industry who may have heard the people and don't know enough to not join, those are the ones that warning about scams tends to help. :)
faii acy
GPT Site Owner/Operator
If there's no doubt that it's a scam, sure tell them so. But they won't listen anyway
Bruce Bates
Cooperative marketing
That was very wise to reword your comment :)
I personally don't get involved with referral based businesses. I don't buy things with an intent to resell them, I don't pay more than the value of something just to make a profit, I refuse to spend my days either referring or clicking to make profits.
I commend those who do, but to me, there is nothing enjoyable about either and the reason I work for myself is that I enjoy it.
Equally program hopping is never a good thing but a lot of people,ho
Rod D.
I'm only focused with two programs. That's GDI & ClixSense and GDI pays for itself and I spend my other time making free money at ClixSense.and I have over 3000 members in my down line through 8 levels.
Me getting referrals is not a problem when I set out to get sign ups. I don't B.S. I tell stuff like it is. No sugar coating.
But my way. Members learns a trade. But, they have to have a burning desire to achieve or be a program jumper and burn 10 years of their life figuring out their way don'
Bruce Bates
Cooperative marketing
Rod I completely agree, but part of being in just one program is normally to first make sales and second bring others into the program. To do that one may at times have to educate others about not joining crazy schemes and scams and whats worse is often times these scams disguise themselves as advertising and marketing, something everyone needs no matter what business they are in. That's part of the problem.
Rod D.
If one was focused on one program, one would not have to worry about being scammed by joining many programs and be a master to none.
Justin J.
It is quite obvious that you should...scammers should always be exposed for their despicable acts!
Warren Contreras
Old Retired Guy
To warn your friends and followers by sharing your opinion is very acceptable, but making public declarations should only be done if you are absolutely certain what you say is the truth and the WHOLE truth, with the reasoning that leads you believe it to be true. This is only my opinion.
Guillermo V.
Of course it is OK to warn about scams