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Comments (27)
Mike G.
Saboor, how is it going? The question can be on anything that causes you fear but I noticed people don't do thing online business wise because they are either lazy or afraid.
The lazy part I have not control over but the fear maybe we can help each other on.
Saboor H.
ethical support / SEO Expert / Web
Hello all
how r u all
Any1 tell me " i don;t understand this topic.........? : (
Mike G.
Van, one day you will shock me...I doubt it but it will come. LOL
TamaraV Kane
Stock Market Trader
and put my BIG GIRL PANTIES on too and DEAL WITH IT ....LOL
Mike G.
Van, I don't think you have fearful bone or thought in your body...I believe you would look a hungry lion in the face and scrape chewing gum off his teeth and chew it freely as you skip off...LOL
TamaraV Kane
Stock Market Trader
Mike,,,,now that sunk real deep,,,,, a comfort level. omf.... i suffer from ranidaphobia
silver grey car....oh Mike...ya digging and poking in my side LOL.....damn....I have a fear of speed bumps BUT I am slowly getting over it ROFL
Mike G.
Van, I know that but today's fear how does it relate...Van, you are in one of the scariest professions on the planet and you don't have time for it. Now frogs is something totally different, that's a reaction that only requires a comfort level.
I know the word "fear" is about as much as one should fear but what is the deep meaning.
If I had a silver (really gray) car and fear was the keys would that be it?
TamaraV Kane
Stock Market Trader
Pres. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" as part of his inaugural address in 1933.
Mike G.
Panda, since you are the Harvard guy...what in the heck does that mean? This may be one of my permanent brain fart moment but this is a puzzle to me.
Steven A. Donaldson
Native speaking English teacher
You have nothing to fear but fear itself! ;-)
Mike G.
Raymond, I believe if one truly has faith fear has no place to dwell
Mike G.
Mónika, thank you for the share and good advice. köszönöm a részesedés és a jó tanácsokat.
Mónika Szalai-Gaál...
"Feel the Fear and do it Anyway!"
Raymond Glass
The Good News
Have faith in God! He is your protector no matter what you are about to experience.
Mike G.
@Cindy I thank you and look forward to this journey!
@Terry awesome look forward to more great shares!
@Rob as always the best timing (Rob aka Cerberus).
Rob aka Cerberus
Better World Partisan
"Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:
- I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
- I shall fear only God.
- I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
- I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
- I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
Terry Warner
My Leads Call Me
Flying in the clouds and not being able to see the ground will to some extent, raise the level of fear. I handle it by knowledge and being prepared. The same is true in life.
Cindy Bolley
I sent it Mike G...... Your style ain't to bad either!
Mike G.
Cindy, I'm going to add you as a friend soon as I can add contacts...and you better except! I like your style.
Cindy Bolley
I think Susan Jeffers said it best.. "Feel the Fear and do it Anyway!"
I have always loved that quote!
@Tamara... I too hate snakes, But even I felt the fear and did it anyway... I held a snake not once but twice.. somehow I still hate them but they do not seem as HORRIBLE now.