How do I get rid of a spammer?

Posted by Joe Henning
Jan 7, 2015
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Comments (64)
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

APSsense is getting bigger on the net now. Latest Alexa ranking is 2,565 with 11,000 sites linking in. Lets all keep up Wincer's good work of filtering out spammers

Apr 28, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

@Fail Acy and @Rieke - when I get spammed by someone I already accepted a connection from I educate the about the fact they spammed me and might have done it not knowing any better, as this is exactly how I learned. In the case that started this thread, however, the member is sending me a request to connect and included a link, which is almost as bad as when you read a recommendation containing an invitation to look at someone's link, in stead of being a recommendation.

Once again, thanks to ev

Apr 28, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Shaishav Sood

Affiliate, Blogger

We can not control them because if we report one there will be another waiting to spam. The queue is huge.. I just ignore friend requests that comes along with a link in a message and if someone sends me link afterwards, I just ignore it first time but if he does the same again, I report him.

Apr 28, 2013 1 Like Like it
Rieke F.


@Faii Acy: I agree with you and I realize that what Philippe is calling 'building relationship' is hard for the reason that most people aren't able to communicate a part from their biz promotion... Something I realized not only here on APSense but on other social networks too. Therefore when accepting a connect request it is initially written in the stars if there will come up relationship or only a marketing based communication channel. --- Looks as if the 'money making' sector for some is an i

Apr 28, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I don't agree with you, faii acy, the reason for sending contact requests is to build relationships further, sending an unsolicited link is spam, you need to ask first if the person wants to know about your biz opp. Why be in such a hurry to throw links ?

Apr 28, 2013 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Well, maybe I will play Devil's Advocate here (again). As always, we need to define spam. By definition it is UNWANTED and UNSOLICITED. At Apsense the only ones who can ontact you are people you either requested a connection or accepted one.

Is it not your responsibility to look at the person's profile before accepting/requesting connection? There fore you should know what types of programs they promote and are, in my opinion, giving them permission to contact you once concerning that program t

Apr 28, 2013 7 Likes Like it
Wincer Song

APSense Founder

Most spammers just want to get FREE advertising. We will try to control the quality of site content. Probably we will try to use some tech similar to anti-virus software. Auto detect spamming content and filter them out.

Apr 28, 2013 1 Like Like it
Prabir Kumar Roy


Spammers are everywhere ...

Apr 28, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Let's get one thing straight: spammers are everywhere, not just at APSense. As a matter of fact, I've seen more spammers in another business social network. There are spammers on FB too.

What I like about APSense is, if we report the spammers, Wincer is proactive, they can't get away with it for long.

Apr 28, 2013 1 Like Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

lol Joe, you have to laugh a little or else you will cry, lol

Apr 28, 2013 1 Like Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection


Stop it, you had me burst out in tears... ! Just joking...
I have a feeling that a lot of people use this fabulous platform to spam others and it's amazing the reactions you get when you make the spammer aware of it, some of which have been downright worse than rude... I even have a friend, whom I met right here at APSense who has become inactive at APSense, because he just had too much spam...! I also feel the the motion contained in the Warren's quote carry some value relative to the

Apr 28, 2013 1 Like Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

I agree Warren, I just had a friend request from someone who is star rated No6 like me with a spam message (which I was quite shocked at considering his rank), and when I accepted he spammed me again

Apr 27, 2013 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

@Josh, the negative impact is not on us, but on new visitors that are contemplating becoming members. Who would want to join a community where negative comments are flying around? I say get rid of the idiots that do such stuff and make this a community that everyone wants to be part of. I don't know about you, but I PAY to be here and don't need negatives.

Apr 27, 2013 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Charlie, the GET OVER IT formula is ok when the person does it once, but when they persist, it's better we report it, imo

Apr 27, 2013 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Joe, I responded to you by PM, and I will answer it here too, for other people's benefit.

To report such abuse, first right-click on the member's name to get his profile link, then click on "Contact Us" at the bottom of every APSense page, and copy the link in the comments field. You'll also see a dropdown list, one of the choices is "abuse/spam". Also write a comment explaining how the person abused.

Apr 27, 2013 2 Likes Like it
gerry d.


I understand Warren you are right there by shaming I mean posting a msg intelligently enough not to be nasty but to be clear enough that he understands the message is public if it continued does this happen often here I came across it once in the form of a like my page msg

Apr 27, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Charlie, I have three words written on the wardrobe mirror door, GET OVER IT and your comment reminded me to actually see my own note, which is so true.... thanks for the reminder.

Warren... I agree about publicly shaming him, he might not think it's actually wrong.... ;-)

Apr 27, 2013 1 Like Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

I also occassionally get people advertising as soon as they make contact, @Charlie I mostly ignore it, @Warren, why would it have a negative impact?

Apr 27, 2013 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing".- Edmond Burke

Apr 27, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Charlie White

A full-time TRUE FRIEND.

According to my view, the BEST SOLUTION would be to SIMPLY IGNORE him/her. It's the internet. Try to GET OVER IT! ;-)

Apr 27, 2013 3 Likes Like it
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