How do I get rid of a spammer?

Posted by Joe Henning
Jan 7, 2015
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Comments (64)
Yog Choudhary

SEO & Content Writer

this is not a sure question regarding spams

Jan 7, 2015 Like it
Kor Na

my blog

you just can block their ID, and they cannot sent sec by same one

May 27, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

@Hop Trieusung - you have just done exactly the same as what I've been bitching about in this thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about spamming a person do you not understand???? You will also see I did NOT accept your invitation.

May 2, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection


You are fantastic..... for answering it so quickly!! Thanks and I have already deleted it, so slowly but surely I'm learning to drive this bus!!!

May 2, 2013 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Joe, put your mouse over your name at the top of the page, you'll see 3 choices, the 3rd one is "recommendations", you click on it, you'll see all the recommendations you're received, at the right of each recommendation there's a "remove" button with an X, click on it, there you go, maybe it asks a question like "are you sure", I don't remember

May 2, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

@Josh, I like your attitude... great men can say sorry...
@Philippe... How do I delete it?

May 2, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Joe, I think such a filter is not necessary, since you can delete the recommendation after you have accepted it if it doesn't talk about you or your business.

I have deleted some recommendations I received over the years, because I believe the seriousness we take in this helps us to branding ourselves. Some people accept anything as a recommendation, I guess they want people coming to see their profile to be impressed, but a serious marketer will indeed notice the spam or empty recommendation

May 1, 2013 Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

Sorry, I didn't study the Invite section properly. Hope I haven't caused anyone confusion

May 1, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Josh, thanks but tell me how does your comment apply to sending and receiving an invitation at

May 1, 2013 Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

Yes Joe, a built in Anti-spam filter for every Contact request, Invite, Recommendation and Message sounds great

May 1, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Thanks Philippe, will do so. Thanks also for your support with this issue.I would love to hear your opinion on the idea that a built-in filter for accepting a recommendation, BEFORE it goes live, should become part of the system, as it will avoid the spamming I made mention of in my previous message and of which there are a lot all over members' pages.

May 1, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Dave, my response was about the "carefully crafted email" part, it sounds like you put a link in it, so to me, it's "hey, he shot at me, so I'll shoot back"

Let me know if my perception is wrong

@Joe Henning, you can send a contact request to Wincer Song

May 1, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

I am not sure if I should be laughing or lose my cool, but would you believe that someone who actually participated in this discussion, calling himself a 'marketing manager' (hello...!!!) has just stooped down to the level of spamming me by DISGUISING IT AS A RECOMMENDATION!!!!

I am seriously pissed off at him, sent him a request to remove it and also copied admin. In fact, I wondered for a moment why don't we all do the same and use his profile page to post adverts about every program we ma

May 1, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

From one veteran to another... @Chuck you are so wise. Only problem is the APSense system does not allow to send a message after you declined an invite, but as for an existing contact spamming you, yes, I would 'educate' them and suggest that they should work on the relationship and bear in mind that I would be a lot more loyal and supportive of a buddy than to just join any old program out there.

For updating everyone here, my spammer has not stopped in his persistence. I have now received an

May 1, 2013 Like it
Dave Hayes

List Building Specialist

@phillipe, I disagree, the newsletter I send out educates them as to how to market properly

May 1, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Chuck, it seems a lot of people like to do that, seeing that faii acy's comment shows up first because it got many likes

May 1, 2013 Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

Could Wincer (or whoever does it) put something on the Contact request or Message saying "This message contains a link. Open at your own risk!"

May 1, 2013 Like it
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

Why would anyone send a link to anybody before they know who they are, what their avocation is and have chatted with them on the phone?
It is my humble opinion the internet is populated by too many who WANT, but have no desire to learn skills.
Done correctly people BEG you to send them links.
Regarding the question, all above seem good answers.
I personally do message back with "words of wisdom" to those who seem to need some guidance.
Have met some of my strongest and most clients that way

May 1, 2013 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I don't agree, Dave, because what it tells them is to keep doing it, most of them won't care about the offer you show them

May 1, 2013 Like it
Jose P.

Social Marqueting

It is hard not to receive unsolicited mails in your inbox. Since there are lits of newbies trying to advertise their business.
Receiving spams does not aggravate me but it is annoying.

May 1, 2013 Like it
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