How do cigarettes damage health?

Nov 20, 2017
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Comments (15)
Mark D’Andrea

Cancer Specialist - Breast Cancer, Lung cancer

Cigarette damages the health a lot. As in, smoking is bad for your health and causes negative side effects on health such as cancer. It leads to lung cancer and if someone is suffering from the asthma problem, then the cigarette attacks directly or indirectly and triggers an attack.

Nov 20, 2017 Like it
Avha Ahuja

Fitness classes, gyms, studios and fitness members

The smoke of cigarette contains Tobacco separate which straightforwardly impact our lungs. Additionally the smoke itself is destructive. One cigarette takes away 10 minutes of our life as it impact the normal working arrangement of our body. At the point when this tobacco smoke gathers it dregs in our lungs accordingly framing a sticky layer on it which thusly can shape tuberculosis and much of the time growth.

Mar 28, 2016 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

It's dangerous when you consider that while driving, you may want to light a smoke and while doing so, you could be driving into another car, a truck or a train... nobody will ever know how many accidents are caused by someone having tried to light up. Other than this angle, I think the other contributions have covered it all...

Aug 11, 2014 1 Like Like it
Teodor M.

Blockchain Real Estate

Bad, I never smoked my own cigs but others' that were smoking around..

Nov 1, 2012 Like it
Zulfiqar Ahsun

Laser Eye Surgery in Pakistan

Smoking is dangerous due to nicotine and it damage your lungs.

Oct 25, 2012 Like it

Cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 different chemicals which can damage the cells and systems of the human body. These include at least 80 chemicals that can cause cancer (including tar, arsenic, benzene, cadmium and formaldehyde) nicotine (a highly addictive chemical which hooks a smoker into their habit) and hundreds of other poisons such as cyanide, carbon monoxide and ammonia.

Every time a smoker inhales, these chemicals are drawn into the body where they interfere with cell function and

Sep 22, 2012 1 Like Like it
Samantha Delaney

Success Mentor

Smoking causes you to become dependent on what else cigarettes which in return tares your body down on the inside slowly for years before showing its effects on you physically.
I have smoked for years and so did my Mother until she was diagnosed with breast cancer she beat it and she quit smoking.
Don't wait to quit do it ASAP

Sep 22, 2012 Like it
Melisa Eyewear

Reading Eyeglasses

it can burn your lever and burn your entire body.

Sep 18, 2012 Like it
Jeff Stoker

Sales IBO

First of all carbon monoxide if a dangerous gas produces by anything that burns and in smokes it depletes O2 (oxygen) form your body, Secondly tobacco contains tar which builds up on your lungs and causes cancer, Third Nicotine raises heart rate and decreases and replaces adrenalin hence the headache when trying to quit should I continue?

Aug 29, 2012 Like it
Paul Smith

Health Expert

i agree with u INDAJEET but i thing any tobacco product damage health ...

Jun 20, 2012 Like it

Smart Entrepreneur & Business Owner

The smoke of cigarette contains Tobacco extract which directly effect our lungs. Also the smoke itself is harmful. One cigarette takes away 10 minutes of our life as it effect the average working system of our body. When this tobacco smoke condenses it sediments in our lungs thereby forming a sticky layer on it which in turn can form tuberculosis & in most cases cancer.

May 28, 2012 Like it
Arniel Borres Go

IT Professional, Graphic Designer, Lay-out Artist,

After a relatively short time, a smoker is often already significantly dependent on nicotine. Smokers who have an addiction problem usually smoke a cigarette in the morning - often within half an hour of waking up. They can stop smoking, if they try, but only for a few weeks at a time. Addiction is an emotionally charged word that is often associated with using drugs. But smoking also shares all the effects on the body of other addictive drugs. When a smoker feels the need to smoke and feels unc

May 28, 2012 Like it
David Smith

Website Design, Graphic Design, Internet Marketing

@David Maas
"The toxins built into the tobacco kills you..."

Actually, there are no killer toxins built into the tobacco. It's the manufacturers' additives that kill you.

Tobacco, itself, is medicinal.

May 25, 2012 Like it
Gabriel G.


No wonder why humans get lung cancer !!
Think about this: The sticky Tar contains poison and remains in your lungs each time you smoke and your lungs need much calorie to remove these poisons from your blood!
You will live shorter than you think!
But think about your family and/or children's life!
I did quit smoking now 2½ years and I feel very good

May 24, 2012 Like it
David Maas

Business Administrator

The toxins built into the tobacco kills you, especially in those smokes you buy from a manufacturer in a box...roll your own, it's the healthier option...

May 24, 2012 Like it
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