Since we all have the same amount of time in each day there should be NO reason why everyone cannot Optimize that precious gift. All it takes is the discipline to write down the major goal, or goals, of the day and Read your statement and GET GOING.
Focus on the essentials of getting the task accomplished and DO NOT allow any distraction.
Time Management is simple. Take how many events in a day you have times the number of hours or minutes that event takes and you will know how much you can manage. If you are a chronic late person then you would be poor at measuring the length of time an event takes. Basically time management has less to do with time and more about the number of events and how long they run. I always have extra time for things because I dedicate so much time to projects.
In simple terms time management means SAVING minutes/hours that can be spent pleasurable for personal life or more business productivity. One way is to MULTI-TASK like while lying down for rest listen favourite music or watch TV show, sing while bathing or read/talk while freshening up in washroom. Just few of normal situations. You will find plenty of them in daily life.
Comments (6)
Dwight Walker
Professional Online Marketer
how goes all of this work?
Chuck Bartok
Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing
Since we all have the same amount of time in each day there should be NO reason why everyone cannot Optimize that precious gift. All it takes is the discipline to write down the major goal, or goals, of the day and Read your statement and GET GOING.
Focus on the essentials of getting the task accomplished and DO NOT allow any distraction.
Jalaluddin Mohamed I...
Financial Consultant
Time management On has to plan his work than work the work which he has planned for the day, week. month
Bryan L.
CBD Oil Business
Time Management is simple. Take how many events in a day you have times the number of hours or minutes that event takes and you will know how much you can manage. If you are a chronic late person then you would be poor at measuring the length of time an event takes. Basically time management has less to do with time and more about the number of events and how long they run. I always have extra time for things because I dedicate so much time to projects.
Kishor Meswani
In simple terms time management means SAVING minutes/hours that can be spent pleasurable for personal life or more business productivity. One way is to MULTI-TASK like while lying down for rest listen favourite music or watch TV show, sing while bathing or read/talk while freshening up in washroom. Just few of normal situations. You will find plenty of them in daily life.
Carlos Santos
You need to use google calendar to manage your time.