Anyone have any comments about programs like Just Been Paid or Ricochet Riches that pay you 2% daily

Posted by Jerry Wis
Nov 13, 2014
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Comments (100)
Dr Shabir hassan


i have been in just been paid from last 2years i hope and wish that it should stay because it really pays every member,,i have some 40 refferals (including my 2nd level also) all got lot of money here more then they invested /no one among them are in any loss /but all of us know 10$s will not make any body rich you need to invest some money and time to earn .///so as for as i m concerned i am thankfull to fedrrik mann for making such good programme ;

Mar 31, 2012 Like it
Charlie White

A full-time TRUE FRIEND.

I don't think JBP is a scam. So far, I've never heard of anyone not getting paid, with the exception of the ones opening fake accounts. What they are saying might sound too good to be true, but isn't that advertising all about? No company in the world would survive without a little bragging!

Mar 19, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

For me, the most important question is: where does the money come from? 2% daily is unrealistic, I mean, how can it be sustainable? People who have bought stocks from Microsoft, Google, Apple, some of them have made a LOT of money over the years. Nobody questions why, because it's obvious. There are products that exist, zillions of people buy these products. These companies pay big dollars for marketing. How can 300,000 people invest little and all make 2% daily? Someone said she makes $200 per

Mar 18, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Chris Bailey

Affiliate Marketer

Like I said Mike, we're not trying to change the mind's of ponzi players. Same old spiel every time.

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mike Kontak

Internet Marketer

Once again, I see you HAVE NOT shown ANY proof, so you need to move on with your own opportunities, because I see you are wasting alot of time, trying to prove you are Mr. Legal when you in FACT, have shown NO proof of any of the NEGATIVE comments that are ONLY wasting MY time, and many other's that really are not interested in what you so called are claiming! BTW, you will not change Mine or Maria`s mind, nor will you change the minds of Hundreds of Thousands of other minds that JBP has HELPED

Mar 18, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Chris Bailey

Affiliate Marketer

Mike, I know I'm not going to change you or your partner Maria's mind. It's an investment. Investments are required to be registered. It's not. Other than 4dailypay, what other unlicensed securities do you two promote? Those of speaking out aren't really concerned about those of you who habitually promote these schemes. It's more for those who actually may be a bit naive about the risks involved.

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mike Kontak

Internet Marketer

What Proof Chris ??? I believe Maria,and I, want to know what Proof YOU said You have against JBP. You need to prove to everyone it is Illegal, put it out here so we can see it! Why would she have to show you proof that it is legal, when you are the one, that is stating it is not?

Mar 18, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Chris Bailey

Affiliate Marketer

What proof are you requesting Maria? I asked you to show me that this investment program is registered as it is legally required to be in order to do business with U.S. citizens. I didn't find it in EDGAR Online. You're one of the JSS experts, so you should know if/where it's registered. Or are you trying to claim that it's not an investment program?

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Chris Bailey

Affiliate Marketer

LOL Maria. Already checked. It's not and to be legal it needs to be. You obviously don't care if you gain profit from illegal activity. You claim something isn't a crime until it's declared illegal. So the drug dealers aren't actually doing anything wrong unless they are arrested. Too funny. It's an investment. It needs to be legally registered. It isn't. Pretty basic stuff.

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Alfred Alexis Pedrico, we are not allowed at APSense to do advertising in comments. The last part of your post is unrelated to the discussion. I reported you.

Mar 18, 2012 Like it
Chris Bailey

Affiliate Marketer

In other words Maria, you can't show me any proof that JSS is operating legally here in the U.S. by being properly registered with the SEC to sell investments.

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Mike Kontak

Internet Marketer

Maria, please don`t waste your time with all these negative people. They do not compare to the 300000 PLUS Members who are Finally Earning an income on line. They have their opinions, but none of them matter to me either.

Mar 18, 2012 3 Likes Like it
Maria A.

Internet Marketing

Chris, for what it's worth I was NOT talking to you, so anything you have to say, doesn't matter much to me.

Mar 18, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Chris Bailey

Affiliate Marketer

Hi Maria. Please show me where JSS is registered in the U.S. to sell investments to U.S. citizens. When you promise a return on your investment, you are selling securities. They are already under investigation by CONSOB in Italy and unless it collapses first, the same will happen in the U.S. Not trying to prove anything, with ponzis time always proves it for me. As posted earlier, I've had this discussion a million times with other ponzi promoters.

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@Maria and the rest of those that are of the same opinion. Those of us that speak out against the scams are not like you. We will not build ourselves up by climbing over the skeletons of all those that lose money they so desperately cannot afford to lose.

Mar 18, 2012 1 Like Like it
Maria A.

Internet Marketing

Helen, Excellent is all I can say! You told it, EXACTLY the way it is, and you are SO RIGHT, it is our choice to do what we want with our money, and until something, is decalred illegal, I really don't believe we are doing anything wrong. I also believe the time people are wasting to PROVE that JSS or any other business is a scam, they in turn could be benefiting from these programs as well!

Mar 18, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

For those thinking that as members, they will not be held culpable for scamming, think again. The feds do go after all those who made a profit when they take the owners to court. So you have been warned, if you want to end up with massive fines and or jail, then its down to you.

Mar 18, 2012 Like it
Aditya S.

Consultant and Internet Marketer

Well. I am earning here since jun 2011 but I am still not sure how they can give this much. If it is only out of members money then......

Mar 18, 2012 Like it
Helen Smith


WOW, the storm still rages! Why? Those of us who are getting paid will continue to get paid, and those who have the opinion JSS is a scam will hold the same opinion! I have been with JSS since it first started, and the addition of the tripler is a sure winner. The system is patented. I am making very good money, and lots of my friends are too!

Now for the restart, people who are saying they lost money just don't understand the program, and should really not abandon their accounts because w

Mar 18, 2012 7 Likes Like it
Abdul Ghofur

Internet Lover

i didn't believe inconsistence people like frederick,.i didn't belive his programs...

Mar 18, 2012 Like it
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