Do you start by choosing an offer, and then building a website/email list/PPC campaign around it, or

Posted by Kaaba Yahaya
Jun 13, 2013
1 people like it
Comments (9)
Rakesh Sharma

Light Animation

i start choosing this offer

Jun 11, 2013 Like it
S. Price

Internet Marketeer

I start by choosing an offer, and then building a website/email list/PPC campaign around it!

Jun 10, 2013 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Rieke F.

If you use the method I suggested, there is no product before a list.... although technically there is no list. Connections are not a list. But there is no product before the connections.

I don't build a list, nor do I build connections and then join something and hope it targets a few of my connections missing the majority.

For starters as I said connections are not a list. I know my connections. I know who they are, what they do, what they have done in the past, what they are see

Jun 10, 2013 1 Like Like it
Captain Cook

Internet Marketer

Nice question! In order to answer this question, I started thinking what I have done so far and it seems that I always do the same thing... I'm browsing offers and affiliate programs and I choose something that I believe that I can sell easily. Then I do the rest... website, list building, paid advertising etc. Then I follow up with that list with relevant offers or products.

Jun 10, 2013 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

If I find an offer that appeals to me, the next step is to create a website not only I can use, but pass that along to my referrals so they can help build us a network and we all earn more.

Jun 10, 2013 Like it
Vera J.

Affiliate Marketer

Yes, first you have to choose an offer in an profitable niche as: money online, lifestyle, health&fitness, weight loss etc. Than you build a marketing system around this.

Jun 9, 2013 Like it
Ixodoi Dae

Programer, Writer, Designer, SEO

You need to have a free product you can give in exchange for people to signing up for your list. This way you can build a targeted list and them market other relative stuff to them.

Jun 9, 2013 Like it
Rieke F.


@Bruce: this is great. but what when you have a really outstanding product but no list? When it comes to list building you already know your target - therefore a general list has only little worth...

Jun 9, 2013 Like it
Bruce Bates

Cooperative marketing

Nope I start by building connections and then seeing what the need is among my connections and select a business (or create one) accordingly

Jun 8, 2013 2 Likes Like it
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