Do you believe having a business is easy?

Posted by Mike G.
Dec 9, 2013
9 people like it
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Comments (26)
Mike G.


Andrew, thank you for your kind words...I have to admit that I have a site linked to my experience that is my junk site and it doesn't apply to my message...I have been debating on whether I should link one of my now partnered site or truly build the one I have linked here....I only linked a site here to get credits and I don't want a profitable site to lose it's rankings or get unwanted competition so it is a hard decision especially hearing from someone of your caliber...thanks.

Nov 1, 2013 Like it
Andrew Jhons

IT Staff

Thanks for taking the time to post such valuable information. Quality content is what always gets the visitors coming. You there, this is really good post here. 

Nov 1, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Tunde, I wished I had read that before writing what I did. You have said things in a much better way than I could have but few people will listen and digest the greatness of what you have said.

Everyone who sows something shall reap all those who don't won't...bottom line excuses no matter how legit does put food on the table nor does laziness.

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


I am a business person and I do agree that guidance is important...I don't agree in excuses...I had nothing and I have seen many of my friends die at very young ages without a chance and people sit around and complain I don't get that.

I gladly pay taxes and would love to pay twice more but I must say I use the system as the big companies do in my favor also...but if I can pay twice as much as I do now I would be happy.

There is no one on Apsense that can't make takes work, a little m

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
Tunde Oloruntoba


This is why i love Apsense and it gives me great pleasure spending my time here because its never a waste of time, i have gotten enough business opportunites from different prospect that i hardly know which one to follow, but i was here to promote my sfi business so i wasnt interested, motivated by any other. Just who i am, i am dedicated at being successful more than my inmates and like to take charge of life, so i know business is hard as we face different challenges with them. Either online o

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Mike G, some people just need a kick up the backside... also called guidance and there's the element of showing love, attention, acknowledgement and care. I believe most people could, should and would respond positively to that. Do you have it in you to be a business person? I may not agree with you, because we have a system that's killing all entrepreneurship, a society that doesn't reward success and a tax system to make sure you you don't. Those who do may not always end up rich, as the major

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Joe, I trained my nephew how to do things online to keep him out of trouble...he turned out to be a wealthy kid. I think that most people know right away if they have it in them to be a business person. Now he has been a pain in my lower backside but he had nothing that would have led one to believe he could have done what he did...but once I put the opportunities in front of him I knew he was going to make it.

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


Good one Panda back on the butchers market? Do I put the grill on or no?

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
Joe Henning

Your Profit Connection

Do I believe having a business is easy? No, but not being in business and having i a job isn't necessarily easier or less difficult. I do however think there are factors that play a role in making being in business more difficult or less difficult... Let me elaborate.
1. I agree with Tamara that many of us follow our parents, however, I was one of 5 children and was the only one who followed the entrepreneurial road, not having had a boss, so to speak, since I was 22 years old, while each of t

Oct 30, 2013 1 Like Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader


Oct 30, 2013 1 Like Like it
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

YW! ;-) Chews? Are you trying to eat me again??? ;---------------------000

Oct 30, 2013 1 Like Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

LOL Panda......thank ya cuddly chews LOL

Oct 30, 2013 2 Likes Like it
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

WELL SAID T! For a human that is! LOL ;--)

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

Personally I believe not everyone is cut out to have a business and I believe that would come from their up bringing, now don't bite my head off for saying that, but I have witnessed it from both sides of families of those brought up having parents being salary earners and those parents being business owners and their offspring following in their foot steps. The offspring whose parents where salary earners tend to be extremely scared of risk and as soon as they hit their first wobble, they're i

Oct 30, 2013 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Van, you know what I couldn't respond to this until now! Then Panda chimed in to make me laugh even more...I have serious work to do today lady and rodent cut it out! LOL

Oct 30, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader


Oct 29, 2013 Like it
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

Barbie? Does my fat bum look like a "Barbie"? ;-------0

Oct 29, 2013 Like it
TamaraV Kane

Stock Market Trader

LOL...........Boys.....or Girls.......or Mike just say to Panda "Back off Barbie"....LOL......uncomfortable omf...i am laughing soooo

Oct 29, 2013 Like it
Mike G.


You never have to say thanks Panda but you are welcome and this is starting to get uncomfortable so...

Oct 29, 2013 1 Like Like it
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

Thanks Mike! ;--) ....................................

Oct 29, 2013 Like it
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