Isn´t online dimension - virtual-reality - fake in people´s minds?
Most of them are hiding themselves behind the internet.
So, how do we behave in the real world ( offline )?
What can we expect from ourselves from the half of the real world ( online/on the internet )?
Honest business? Seriosity? Responsibility? Progress? Better future?
It´s not about a dimension ( off or on - line ). It´s about us. Always and everywhere.
Offline organizations are strong and trustworthy, however have constrained reach. Online organizations have possibly gigantic reach, however they include an ordinarily more elevated amount of hazard because of the more noteworthy challenge. The nearly minimal effort of online business makes it an alluring choice for new companies.
Having an online business saves a lot in rent, electricity. Having your own site & running your business cost me about $26/yr (hosting + domain for 1 yr). I think it's a lot cheaper to just have a business online.
Comments (12)
Carmen sofia Malines...
affiliate marketing
Depends on the marketing, kind of services & products...
Roman S.
Better Life Seeker
Isn´t online dimension - virtual-reality - fake in people´s minds?
Most of them are hiding themselves behind the internet.
So, how do we behave in the real world ( offline )?
What can we expect from ourselves from the half of the real world ( online/on the internet )?
Honest business? Seriosity? Responsibility? Progress? Better future?
It´s not about a dimension ( off or on - line ). It´s about us. Always and everywhere.
Amit Shrestha
Wordpress Developer
I don't know . amy be
Nnamdi A.
Internet Marketer
None is better. They are all good if you can manage them effectively.
Bilsan Disuja
Owning an building to maintain your business visea Owning a website or blog online to promote your business.
Raniyah Ahmed
Real Estate and Travel Blogger
It depends. I would suggest both online and offline.
QueenHajar Akanqi
Looks like Olivia Lewis, agrees with NMJR Laudato Si. But, be original with your own answers, thank you and have a nice day networking! :)
Olivia Lewis
Depends on the marketing, kind of services & products... both ways would be good.
ENE Agree2Eco
Entrepreneurial Charity Entities
Depends on the marketing, kind of services & products... both ways would be good.
Herbal R.
Total Healthcare Supplement Review Guaranteed!
Offline organizations are strong and trustworthy, however have constrained reach. Online organizations have possibly gigantic reach, however they include an ordinarily more elevated amount of hazard because of the more noteworthy challenge. The nearly minimal effort of online business makes it an alluring choice for new companies.
john smith
Yes, having a business online is better than, having a business offline.
Erika L.
Having an online business saves a lot in rent, electricity. Having your own site & running your business cost me about $26/yr (hosting + domain for 1 yr). I think it's a lot cheaper to just have a business online.