Do you agree with this quote?

Posted by Oswald Rodrigues
Apr 20, 2013
Comments (7)
Chuck Bartok

Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

"You will never have true friends, or you will never have friends at all. " YOU can Never have True Friends if YOU are not one of Yourself. The constant barrage of "feel good in the light of others" is creating a world of NON-THINKERS and Collectivists.
It is Our job as pointed form our Creator to love oneself in order to Love others.
YOU Cannot give that which you do NOT possess

Apr 20, 2013 1 Like Like it
Oswald Rodrigues

@Philippe - Ayn Rand was not a he, but a she. Hee-hee-hee!

Yes, you do need to understand her philosophy to fully understand/appreciate that quote in its context. Otherwise, the quote will make no sense to you.

@Angelcho - I suggest that you too look up Ayn Rand's philosophy to appreciate the quote and her opinion on selfishness and sacrifice. This is a good starting point:

Apr 20, 2013 Like it
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I don't agree at all. If you live only for yourself then you will create a selfish area around yourself that will makes you unsatisfied from your life. You will never have true friends, or you will never have friends at all.
As Mr. Philippe said, what about the needs of your children? Can you be selfish fro him too?
We are created to be together, to help each other and if it is necessary to sacrifice to each other. This is the way our Lord Jesus Christ teaches us. He sacrifice for us.

Apr 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

If I need to read his philospohy to understand the quotes from him, what's the point? Quotes should be easy to understand by themselves.

Apr 19, 2013 Like it
Oswald Rodrigues

It INCLUDES the needs of your children and family, of course. It does not mean abandoning or neglecting them. I suggest that you Google "ayn rand ethics of rational self interest" (without the quotes) to understand Ayn Rand's philosophy.

Apr 19, 2013 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

What about the needs of your children? Will you keep reading your newspaper or watch TV instead of spending time with them?

Apr 19, 2013 Like it
Hop Trieusung

Welcome to new marketer

Yes I agree 100% about this qoute
humannity - personal - family - social that all is in one

Apr 19, 2013 1 Like Like it
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