Your Four Step Forum Marketing Guide

Posted by Michael Camire
Apr 25, 2012
Image Social Media seems to be putting the squeeze on marketing in the forums these days, but if you look at it as an opportunity, not an obstacle, you will see some advantages to maintaining or stepping up your forum activity. Consider this article to be your four step forum marketing guide.

Online business and marketing forums are still viable social marketing vehicles if you approach them with purpose and a plan. Your purpose should be to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Your plan should be to become a contributing member of the forum, with regular attendance.

Step 1: Find A Forum That Fits Your Interests

Since your purpose is to establish yourself as an authority in your niche, you will want to find a forum where the members are sincerely interested in the sort of expertise you have to offer. Joining a forum that focuses on a niche not closely related to yours may not be a good fit for you.

Step 2: Read The Rules And Prepare Your Profile

It is important to start off on the right foot when joining a forum as a new member. First impressions do make a difference. Your initial aim should simply be to introduce yourself and spend some time getting to know the existing members. Read the rules and read through a variety of the discussion threads.

Before you start posting comments in any of the discussions, it is a wise idea to fill out your forum profile, upload an appropriate photo and set up your forum signature. For branding purposes, you should use your real name and a reasonably current photo of yourself.

Step 3: Ease Into The Discussion Flow

It doesn't matter how experienced you are in your niche, people need to warm up to you before they let their guard down and begin to trust you. If you come on too strong in the beginning, some members may label you as being too aggressive and to their detriment they might miss the good information you are trying to pass on to them.

Unless you are already recognized as an industry expert, it is best to temper your opinions and recommendations with reserve in the beginning; share ideas, offer suggestions, but keep your comments from becoming too technical and instructive. Be respectful towards the ideas expressed by existing members. Establish yourself as a regular contributor before attempting to present yourself as the ultimate authority on a particular topic or niche.

Step 4: Fulfill Your Purpose

Once you have spent some time getting to know the forum members and letting them get to know you, you can begin to let the true light of your expertise shine through. Look for opportunities to offer recommendations, evaluations and guidance that fall within your experience and qualifications. Be confident and direct, but be careful not to come across as being judgmental or preachy; be an encouraging mentor, not a critic.

Your aim is to become a respected and appreciated source of information and insight. When forum members come to recognize you in this light, they will be interested in learning more about your business, your products and your services.

Despite the popularity of newer social marketing venues, many online business and marketing forums still attract members who may benefit from your knowledge and expertise. If you follow the advice in this four step forum marketing guide, you will position yourself as an authority in the forums you join.

Thanks for reading.

Michael Camire
Contact List Building
Internet Training At Its Best

1 people like it
Comments (5)
Michael Camire

Internet Marketing At Its Best!

Philippe you are correct - I get tons of these each day after buying one of them.

Apr 25, 2012 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Just one thing about the Warrior Forum, though. Don't jump on the WSOs

Apr 25, 2012 1 Like Like it
Toshiba Burton

Social Media Consultant

Hi Michael I haven't joined the warrior forum yet but I've definitely heard that it's one of the best around:)

Apr 25, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Michael Camire

Internet Marketing At Its Best!

You are so right regarding the Warrior Forum. It's one forum that I visit on a regular basis. Its like the old type barber shops where everyone hung out to get the latest news. Thanks for sharing Philippe.

Apr 25, 2012 2 Likes Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

The Warrior Forum is the best example that forums about online marketing are alive and well, some of them at least. Thanks for sharing this article, Michael, I will share it on FB, TW, SU, G+ and APSense

Apr 25, 2012 2 Likes Like it
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