Why Your Business Needs an IPLC License for Secure and Reliable Connectivity?

Posted by Gaurav Bansal
Apr 21, 2023

As businesses continue to expand their operations across the globe, the need for reliable and secure connectivity becomes increasingly important. The traditional method of relying on the public internet for connectivity comes with several risks, including data breaches, network outages, and slow connectivity. That is why businesses need to consider investing in an IPLC (International Private Leased Circuit) license for secure and reliable connectivity. In this article, we will explore why your business needs an IPLC license and its benefits.


What is an IPLC License?

An IPLC is a private point-to-point circuit that enables businesses to connect their offices or data centers across different regions or countries. Unlike traditional internet connectivity, IPLC is a dedicated connection that ensures reliable and secure data transmission. IPLC is leased from a telecom service provider and is offered as a premium service that guarantees high-speed data transfer, low latency, and high network availability.


Why Does Your Business Need an IPLC License?

Enhanced Security

Security is one of the primary reasons why businesses need an IPLC license. With an IPLC, businesses can enjoy a private connection that is not accessible to the public internet. This means that data transmission occurs only between the connected sites, eliminating the risk of eavesdropping or interception by malicious actors. Additionally, since an IPLC is a dedicated connection, it is not shared with other users, reducing the risk of cyber-attacks or data breaches.


Improved Reliability

Another key benefit of an IPLC license is improved reliability. With an IPLC, businesses can enjoy high-speed data transfer, low latency, and high network availability. Unlike traditional internet connectivity, IPLC offers a guaranteed bandwidth, ensuring that businesses can transmit data without any interruption or delay. Additionally, since an IPLC is a dedicated connection, businesses do not have to worry about network congestion or bandwidth contention, ensuring consistent performance.



While an IPLC license may seem expensive compared to traditional internet connectivity, it can be a cost-effective solution for businesses that require high-speed data transfer and low latency. With traditional internet connectivity, businesses may have to invest in additional hardware or software to ensure reliable and secure connectivity. Additionally, the cost of downtime due to network outages or data breaches can be significant. With an IPLC, businesses can avoid these costs and enjoy a predictable monthly cost for connectivity.



As businesses grow, their connectivity needs also increase. With traditional internet connectivity, businesses may face bandwidth limitations or network congestion, making it difficult to scale their operations. With an IPLC license, businesses can easily scale their connectivity needs by upgrading their bandwidth or adding additional sites to their network. Additionally, since IPLC is a dedicated connection, businesses do not have to worry about network contention or performance degradation as they scale their operations.


How to Obtain an IPLC License?

Obtaining an IPLC license requires businesses to work with a telecom service provider that offers IPLC services. The process involves selecting the right IPLC plan based on the business's connectivity needs, signing a service agreement, and coordinating with the provider to install and activate the connection. While the process may take some time, the benefits of an IPLC license make it a worthwhile investment for businesses that require reliable and secure connectivity.



In today's digital age, reliable and secure connectivity is critical for businesses that operate across different regions or countries. The risks of relying on traditional internet connectivity, such as data breaches and network outages, can have severe consequences for businesses. That is why an IPLC license is an essential investment for businesses that require high-speed data transfer, low latency, and high network availability. By leveraging the benefits of an IPLC, businesses can enhance their security, improve reliability, reduce

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