Why poverty reduction programs are important in the developing world

We, the present human population, are
witness to immense human progress. Over the past few decades, the expansion of
the global marketplace has taken a third of the world's population out of
extreme poverty. Yet we are also witness to a shocking failure. Our efforts to
lift people up have left behind some in harshest forms of poverty; the ultra-poor.
By the end of 2019, about 400 million people were living in ultra-poverty
worldwide. This is bigger than the population of USA and Canada combined. Major
portion of these people is from the developing world.
These people, forced to live in agonizing
circumstances, constantly faced with fight or flight situations. Their mental health
is wrecked equally as a soldier returning from war. The PTSD, anxiety,
depression, bi-polar disorders are some of the mental health issues they face. To
add insult to injury these countries don’t really acknowledge mental disorders
as illnesses; there is no concept of rehabilitation for people suffering from
mental disorders.
Primarily because developing world
is struggling to get enough budget to feed people, and provide them with
necessities, what to say of budget for therapy and mental rehabilitation. Under
these extenuating circumstances, people from these poverty stricken countries
try to find solace in smoking, and why won’t they? It’s cheap, readily
available and helps with anxiety.
Use of E-cigs to help quit smoking:
Once someone from the developing
world (someone living in poverty stricken sector) becomes addicted to smoking,
he/she is stuck for life. They don’t have perks of first world and therapy
programs for quitting. One major technique that has proven to help people quit
smoking in the developed world is E-cigs or vaping.
Vape is not readily available in
the developing world and if it is, the quality (of product and packaging both)
is cheap that does more damage than good. For a vape, the custom box or
cartridge that it comes in is crucial. There have been cases where the e-cigs
exploded because of bad quality cartridge. In developed world there are major
companies producing like Juul producing quality e-cigs. There are packaging
firms that make custom vape boxes on
wholesale for these e-cigs corporations.
What is the solution?
Poverty reduction programs. It is
our duty to help these counties lift and get back their lives. One of the
benefits of these programs will be better mental health and number of people
turning to smoking for relief will decrease.
For poverty reduction programs to
succeed, it is important to make therapy a vital part of them. Therapy for
mental health, therapy to help quit the any addictions, smoking, alcohol, or
drug abuse. Only then, we can instill hope and self-worth in people. If we do
this, then with just a little support, people could lift themselves out of