Why Hire A Lawyer For Severance Agreements?

Posted by Mandy Jenks
Jul 8, 2015

Big corporations often deny employees their benefits that they rightfully deserve at their job. For such purposes, it is important that they hire a lawyer who can fight their case in a most effective manner.

Here are more reasons why a lawyer can best give effect to severance agreement.

Confidentiality Clauses

Corporate structures have a great way of making sure that confidentiality clauses do not impede the purpose of severance agreements. Lawyers ensure that such clauses are worked around and clients can inform relevant personnel. This helps in making wise decisions.

Use of Information

Many severance agreements prevent clients from utilizing information they have collected at a particular firm over the years. However, their lawyer ensures that such clauses are avoided and they can use the information to create structures of their own without any added repercussions.

Employment Benefits

Severance agreements usually cite the benefits an employee will be entitled to receive once their job comes to an end. Employment lawyers are required to ensure that these benefits are provided in the most optimal manner. The employment lawyers Aberdeen residents hire ensure maximum benefits and a hundred percent success rate against huge corporate structures.

Money Reimbursement

Clients often find themselves in positions where their employer is required to reimburse them for something. An employment lawyer is needed to settle matters like these. Moreover, these lawyers negotiate a middle ground as to remuneration as far as severance agreements are concerned.

The Severance Payment

Clients receive a lump sum for their services at the end of every job. This sum is ascertained by their severance agreement. However, only an employment lawyer will be able to claim these funds for a client because it is a known fact that such monetary sums are normally ignored by corporate structures.

Cooperation Clauses

Most severance agreements require employees to comply with investigative procedures. It is important that employment lawyers reduce the extent of that compliance and replace it with a certain "degree" that complies with the employers' discretion.

Social benefits

Many employees rely on social benefits that these companies allow them and it would be unfair if benefits such as health care or fuel advantages are taken away from them. Lawyers ensure that such help is continued by corporations even after the severance agreement is in effect.

Provisions for Integration

Such clauses state that no oral promises are binding upon employers and employees cannot act upon such non-binding acts to claim benefits. Employment lawyers, however, ensure that such provisions are not given effect and important oral promises are effective to the extent that they at least allow employees the benefits they deserve.

Promissory Estoppel

Most employers make promises that one may have to detrimentally rely on. An example of such an incident is an unexpected move that demands the employee to relocate. This may not be mentioned in the severance agreement and is a claim that will be granted in equity.

There are many advantages of hiring employment lawyers and clients can rely on them to get the best possible results against all sorts of employment contracts.

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