Tips To Give An Influential Interview

Posted by Mandy Jenks
Jul 8, 2015

If you have not been through many job interviews, this can be a useful guide that can help make a positive and fruitful impression.

  • When it comes to determining your abilities to someone else, a first impression counts a lot. Non-verbal communication reveals a lot about the personality of a candidate. An upright body posture, maintained eye contact and a firm handshake; these convey a strong message about the applicant.

  • Almost every interview begins with generalized structured questions for example; “tell us about yourself and how do you think you fit well for a specific kind of job?” When you are told about the company or given a job description for any post you have applied for then it is okay to put across questions that pop up in your mind. Do not wait for the interview to end first, show modest interest and involvement in the job and company. Ask all the relevant questions without any reluctance.

  • Preparation is very important for a job interview. You would not want to get nervous during an interview. To manage, ask yourself questions, write down your strengths and weaknesses. Mention them in the interview if asked and then give an example of how you used your strengths to overcome your weaknesses and capitalized on the given opportunities.

  • An interviewer is always interested in knowing your reasons for wanting a specific job. If you say you applied for a certain job opening because you needed a job then it is not a satisfactory answer. You must have a long-term career plan so that an interviewer does not get the impression that it will be a substitute or a temporary job for you.

  • Make sure that your interview attire suits the location, time and most importantly the nature of work you are applying for. It must not be too casual neither too loud nor overdone. You should be dressed up professionally for an interview. A well-dressed candidate leaves a positive perception about your personality and leaves you with sa greater chance of being short-listed and selected.

  • An interviewer knows you just as much as you have mentioned in the resume. On the day of the interview, you have the real chance to present yourself completely. Even if you’re not entirely perfect for a certain job, remember, you have been called in for the interview because the company thinks you can do it right. Do not underestimate yourself and be very energetic and enthusiastic. Remain confident in talking about your strengths and weaknesses. This will give an impression that you know the areas you need to focus on.

  • Do not be late. Timing is important. You do not want to be breathless before entering the interview room. Be on time, settle in and manage your things so that you do not have to scramble through your stuff.

  • Make sure all your documents are in proper order and presented in a spotless and clean way.

  • Lastly, be yourself! That’s the kind of a person they are looking for. It is okay to be nervous, as it is natural.

Follow these tips and you will do amazing at your interview!

Gavin Gilroy, the author of this article is an ex- HR manager of an agency. His expertise can be very useful for those on a job hunt and he recommends for more details.

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