Why Are Kids With Dyslexia Sometimes Socially Awkward?

Posted by Help Is Here
Nov 27, 2017

When we think of those children with the learning and reading challenges, we think of different problems in regards to their learning and reading issues. However, there are many students with learning, reading and attention disorders which also have social and communication problems. Undoubtedly, they have trouble with connecting with other kids, making friends and understanding what’s expected of them in social situations.

Some of them miss social cues, and misinterpret their body language and tone of voice. Sometimes, it is true that the children with learning disabilities may have learning problems, talk too much or at the wrong time or say things that are inappropriate. Not only that some of are in conversation, have trouble expressing themselves and miss the actual point of a lot humor. These children do not get important things that seem to come effortlessly to other kids. They may have the trouble understanding what is happening in a group and finding a way of fitting in.

Kids who are affected with dyslexia disorder sometimes feel socially awkward. They face different problems with social relationships. These can be traced to causes:

  • Dyslexic kids may be physically and socially immature in comparison to their peers. This can lead to a poor self-image and less peer acceptance.
  • Dyslexic’s social immaturity may make them socially awkward in social situations.
  • There are many dyslexics children have difficulty reading and social cues. They may be obvious to the amount of personal distance necessary in social interactions or insensitive to other people’s body language.
  • Dyslexics often affects oral language functioning. So affected persons may have the trouble finding the right words, may stammer, or may pause before different answers direct questions. Of course, this puts them at a great disadvantage as they enter adolescence, when language becomes more central to their relationships with peers.

 Children who are in depression often have different symptoms than do depressed adults. A depressed child is unlikely to be lethargic or to talk about feeling sad. Instead he or she may become more active or misbehave to cover up the painful feelings. In the case of masked depression, the child may not seem happy and socially awkward too.

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