How Do We Teach Study Habits?

Posted by Help Is Here
Nov 24, 2017

Nobody can say that raising an adolescent was easy and schooling one is even more of a challenge. Parents of those children who have weak point of learning and reading disorders should take different responsibilities to teach their kids study habits. Parents are taking on a lot of school responsibility and let’s face it- things are really different than they used to be.

For an example, if you are a parent of a struggling or resistant learner, you have probably heard more than one person suggest. She or he needs to study more. Most of the kids think that this means filling in a study guide or reading a chapter. But many don’t learn by writing or reading. So their strengths lie in the visual, kinesthetic, musical or social realm.

Now one of the most useful lifetime skills that you can share with your students or kids is to promote good habits. There are many teachers have found that teaching one study skills each day is quite effective and not too time consuming. In fact, you will not have to re-teach material throughout the term.

There are definitely different study habits that we can tech our students or kids. Basically, the requirements to improve student habit have driven some teachers to find unique and creative ways to persuade students to move beyond simply reading materials to fully understanding it.

Get Organized: Between homework, tests and extracurricular activities, it is all too easy for the things to slip through the cracks. A proper plan can help your child to keep everything organized. Students should write down assignments, appointments and to do lists, then review items in the planner at both the beginning and end of the day to stay on track.

Know The Expectations: Students should not have any surprises when it comes to how and what they will be graded on. By middle school and high school, most of the teachers will provide a specific course outline or syllabus that can serve as a guide for the semester. However, if the expectations are not clear and up to the mark, do not wait for a bad report card comes in the mail. Your student should feel comfortable approaching teachers with different questions about grading and assignments at any time.

Designate A Proper Study Area: Choosing a proper study area would be the best for your students or kids. Of course, a proper study room or area must be located for your kids. A perfect place would help them to concentrate on their study but not if there are constantly people interrupting or other interruptions. Even at home, studying in front of television won’t be the best use of your son or daughter study time. It is your responsibility to provide a quite place to your children so that they can study hard.

Develop A Professional Study Plan: Every student needs to know when a test will take place, the type of questions that will be included and the topics will be covered. From a proper study plan, your student can make a study plan and allow ample time to prepare. And there is nothing worse than charming the night before the exam. You can help by buying a well calendar and asking him or her to assign topics and tasks for each day leading up to a due date or exam.

Think Positively: Being in the right mindset can make all the difference. In that case, you can encourage your children to think positively when studying or heading into an exam by all means, avoid catastrophic thinking. You can help your kids to turn negative statements while studying.

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