What needs to be done when Wordpress Account Has Been Suspended

Posted by Katharine Isabella
Apr 3, 2018

Wordpress is an open source website which is used for creating websites and blogs. There is no need to know any programming language while creating blogs on WordPress as it uses PHP language but you can create websites without knowing the programming language. It is a user-friendly application.

When you use WordPress account then due to some technical issues, your account has been suspended. To access your account in a proper way, you need to fix this issue. If you are not aware how to fix this issue then you must take technical assistance from WordPress customer support via phone number. Wordpress support team will provide you best guidance to solve all the issues. There can be a reason for suspending your account such as :

  • Payment issue: You need to check the payment of your account, if there is lack of payment then you need to make payment.
  • Resource sharing problem: If you are hosting your sites on the shared server and you have used too many resources than your account may be suspended. It may affect the performance of other sites.
  • Your account may be hacked by someone or you are violating the terms and conditions.

If you find any of above issue then you do not need to be more panic, just need to dial support number. You will get relevant information about it. 

Steps To Follow To Fix Wordpress Account Has Been Suspended Issue

Here are some steps are given below to fix this issue. You need a look at the given below steps:

  • First of all, you need to check your email, if you get any notification from hosting provider then you need to follow the instruction which are mentioned in your email or you may contact to hosting provider for further questioning.
  • If you break the service of hosting provider then they will suspend your Wordpress account so, you need to follow all the instructions.
  • You will have to update all the information if you change your credit card details or email address,
  • You will have to inform the resource allocation, if you are sharing the account.
  • You need to check the terms and conditions.

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