What is USP Propylene Glycol Used For?

Posted by Judi Booker
Feb 16, 2018
Image Propylene Glycol USP seems to be everywhere. Used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, the FDA classifies it as “generally recognized as safe” for use in food products. At room temperature it is a colorless, tasteless, somewhat syrupy liquid that when heated and shaken produces a vapor.

Propylene Glycol Absorbs Water
Propylene Glycol absorbs water making it useful to prevent moisture in medicines, deicing compounds, food, and even cosmetics. It is also a solvent used in flavoring, food colors, paint and also plastics.
You may have enjoyed its use in creating artificial fog or smoke in the theatre. It is also used in making polyester.

Are There Side-Effects to Exposure?
According to the CDC, skin irritation may result from frequent exposure, but otherwise it is generally safe. Propylene Glycol USP is greater than 99.8% pure and a pharmaceutical grade liquid.
Bizfluent.com presents many uses for Propylene Glycol.

Uses in the Pharmacy
In the pharmacy, propylene glycol USP is used use as a non-active enabling agent. It helps retain taste and carries flavors in beverages and foods. It is also used for moisture retention in pet and livestock food. It is a carrier for the active ingredients in gel capsules and cough syrups. It keeps deodorants, body lotions, sunscreens, lipsticks and face creams soft and moist.

Uses in Industry
Propylene Glycol is used as a medium to transfer in industrial applications. As a solvent it dissolves active ingredients, prevents against pressure bursts and prevents corrosion. It is used in paints and coatings for weather and wear protection. As antifreeze, it is used to deice aircrafts. It is used in making resins that are used in blades of windmills, marine construction, and coatings of synthetic marble.

Uses in Medicine
Propylene Glycol is used in oral, topical, and injectable medicines as a solvent.
Uses in the Military and Fire Fighting Training
Because vaporized propylene glycol is used to create synthetic smoke, it is used by the military for smokescreens to hide troop movements. It is also used to simulate smoke in training fire fighters safely.

Use in E-Cigarettes
While Propylene Glycol is used in foods like soft drinks, cupcakes and salad dressing or used in soaps and other body products, and even in medicines, it is not breathed into the lungs in those uses. According to scientificamerican.com, we have very little information about what happens when it is inhaled over a period of time. Most studies done are laboratory studies using rats.
Propylene Glycol is indeed everywhere from industry, to medicine, to food, and even e-cigarettes.

Also Read: How to Read a Material Safety Data Sheet of Glycol Ether

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