Important Things You Must Know Before Buying Custom Handmade Shoes

Posted by Judi Booker
Mar 8, 2018
Image Most shoe fans and footwear enthusiasts are aware of the value and overall
appeal of custom handmade shoes. Whether you are shopping for custom
womens shoes or handmade shoes for men, there are several key tips that you
should follow before finalizing any purchase:

Research the Manufacturer
Take the time to study the manufacturer of the custom shoes that you plan to
buy. Pay attention to their track record as well as any ratings, reviews, or
testimonials that have been posted and published by past customers. The quality
of the manufacturer directly reflects the quality of their product, which makes it a
solid starting point for your research to determine whether you should buy the
custom shoes.

Examine the Design and Appearance
Once you have determined that the manufacturer of the custom shoe has a high-
quality track record of satisfying customers, the next step should be to examine
the appearance and design of the exact model that you consider. Instead of
looking at the entire shoe as a complete unit, it is imperative to study the
condition of the shoe in separated fractions.

For instance, when examining a custom handmade leather shoe, you should
examine the condition of the sole, leather upper, top shape, zip closure (or buckle)
as well as the laces. Doing so will not only help you to decide the type of shoe that
you want to buy, but it will also help to develop your taste in custom womens
to make it easier to identify which shoe types are the most appealing to you
in the future.

Check the Condition of the Material
As you study the condition of the shoe, make sure that you take the time to study
the condition of the materials used to make the shoe. For instance, if the custom
shoe is made out of leather, you must ensure that it has a considerable amount of
durability, thickness and overall quality to ensure that you are making a wise
investment decision.

Consider the Price of the Custom Shoe
It is true that custom handmade shoes are typically more expensive than standard
store-bought shoes. However, you should still shop competitively for the best
prices available to ensure that you will not get ripped off in the process. Keep in
mind that you will need to purchase and maintain the shoe to allow it to retain its
original condition. Depending on the materials used to make the custom shoe, this
could very well require a lot of cleaning, care and maintenance to preserve its
original condition. Therefore, you should calculate the costs associated with the
short-term initial purchase of this footwear as well as the long-term costs
associated with maintenance, repair and possibly even replacement.
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