What is the Exam Pattern and Syllabus for IIA AME Entrance Exam?

Posted by IIA Group
Nov 27, 2019

What is the Exam Pattern and Syllabus

for IIA AME Entrance Exam?

IIA AME entrance exam is going to be held on 25th April 2020 at both Delhi (JRN Institute of Aviation Technology) and Patna (Bharat Institute of Aeronautics). And the last date for form submission is 24th April 2020.

Exam Pattern for IIA AME Entrance Exam 2020

If you are applying for the entrance exam, then the exam duration will be of 2 hours and there will be 100 questions.

  • General Awareness – 20

  • English – 20

  • Mathematics – 30

  • Physics – 30

If you are applying for the entrance exam on the basis of engineering diploma, then your exam will be of 1 hour and will consist of 50 questions (1 mark per question).

  • General Awareness- 10

  • English - 15

  • Aptitude Test – 25

Each question carries one mark, which means, for 10+2 students the exam will be of 100 marks while for diploma students it will be of 50 marks.

Syllabus for IIA AME Entrance Exam 2020

Physics Topics

  • Nature of matter - Chemical Elements, The Structure of Atoms, States: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Forces, changes between states, Molecules, Chemical compound.

  • Mechanics – Force, Moment, Couple, Vectors, Theory of elasticity, Pressure & Buoyancy, Linear circular & rotational movement, Theory of vibrations, Simple Harmonic Motion, Mechanical advantage, Force, Inertia, Work, Power, Heat, Efficiency, Mechanical advantage, Impulse momentum, Friction, Fluid Dynamics.

  • Thermodynamics – Temperature, Heat Capacity, Specific Heat, Laws of thermodynamics.

  • Optics (light) – Nature of light, Speed of light, Laws of reflection & refraction, Reflection at plane surfaces, reflection by spherical mirrors, refraction, lenses, fiber optics.

  • Wave Motion and Sound – mechanical waves, Sinusoidal. wave motion, interference phenomena, standing waves Sound: Speed of sound, intensity, pitch and quality, Doppler effect.


  • Arithmetic – Arithmetic terms & Signs, methods of multiplication and division, fractions and decimals, factors and multiples, weights, measures, and conversion, factors, ratio, and proportion, averages, and percentages, areas and volumes, squares, cubes, square and cube roots.

  • Algebra – Evaluating simple algebraic expressions, addition, subtraction, multiplication & division, use of brackets, simple algebraic fractions, linear equation, Indices and powers, negative and fractional indices, Binary and other applicable numbering systems, Simultaneous equations and second-degree equations with one unknown, Logarithms.

  • Geometry – Simple geometrical constructions Graphical representation: nature and uses of graphs, graphs of equations/functions Simple trigonometry: trigonometrical relationships, use of tables and rectangular and polar coordinates.


Reading Comprehension, Phrases and Idioms, Synonyms and Antonyms, Errors

General Knowledge

India and its States, Countries of the world, Current political affairs, Indian Aviation Interface.

Make sure you go through all the topics before appearing for the exams to increase your chances of getting scholarships.

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