What Are Psychometric Tests? - How Ayurveda Can Help In It?

Posted by Dr Vikram Chauhan
Oct 26, 2023


Psychometric assessment has been an important part of the corporate recruitment system for years now. The recruitment strategies have been transforming  every day all around the world. The information about the candidate is being taken from a much deeper level involving his/her psychology and getting more insightful information, much more than one can get from interviews or CVs. These psychometric assessments help in understanding whether the candidate is capable to handle the specific role or not. 

Psychometric tests are carried out with the help of two tools, i.e. assessing ability and exploring personality of the candidate. Ability testing, also known as aptitude testing, is done in different forms like numerical tests, situational judgment tests, verbal reasoning, error checking and spatial awareness. These tests are usually taken online like any exam. It has the correct answers too. Score achieved in this test will determine the candidate’s intelligence level and ability to play a certain role. Now coming to the second type of tests, i.e. Occupational or personality tests which are used to know deep about the suitability of the candidate by knowing about their behaviors, interests, motivations and values. There is no strict limit of time in these tests and also do not have correct or incorrect answers.

Psychometric Tests

Now the question arises where are these tests used? The psychometric tests are used in the recruitments especially in mass recruitments where the list of candidates is very large and it is difficult to narrow it down. These tests will help in assessing whether the candidate is suitable for a particular post or not. These tests can help managers to know the behavior of the candidates in certain situations and one can easily decide whether to go forward or not with certain candidates. Leadership quality can also be assessed with the help of Psychometric Testing and hence you can set a benchmark for the candidate and help them grow and improve. The interviewer can get much more knowledge about the candidate with the help of this testing rather than the interviews alone. You can also know how a certain candidate will respond to high-pressure situations like working as a part of a team or working to strict deadlines.

There are Many other Advantages of Psychometric Testing as Well

  • Objectivity- Earlier the way of hiring the people for certain roles completely depended upon the elaborate CVs and interviews. However the Psychometric tests remove the subjectivity in making decisions and make decisions more bias free and fair based on individualistic approach.
  • Speed- In mass recruitments like graduate hiring, it can be really hectic and tiring to go through so many applications and shortlist from them but the Psychometric tests makes this process easy by narrowing the search. Also with the help of this testing you will be able to hire individuals which are much more suitable for the job profile, and environment of the company and it will be less likely for them to leave.
  • Accuracy- These testing helps in evaluating the ability of an individual to solve problems, process information, and make decisions. It can help in making rational decisions about the candidates that are applied by recruiters.
  • Reliability- The psychometric testing is considered to be reliable if the results obtained during different tests are similar. Test score is reliable when the result is consistent and precise in all the situations.
  • Validity- Psychometric tests are much more reliable than the traditional ways to recruitment as they use valid methodologies to measure the traits of personality and aptitude.

In an individual a Well Done Psychometric Test Can Help in Assessing Certain Traits like

  • Openness- If an individual is open he/she is open to change, curious and creative. They are inclined towards art and adventure while the people who are not open usually stick to old routines and do not like to experience new things.
  • Extraversion- Candidates who have extraversion are talkative and social. They are very assertive in approach and cheerful and draw their energy from social gatherings and interactions. While the one who are introverted, prefer small group activities and usually enjoy their time (own company).
  • Conscientiousness- People who are highly conscientious have a great sense of responsibility and are well organized. Such people are highly reliable and have a drive to achieve their life goals. While people on the other side are careless and spontaneous.
  • Neuroticism- People having this trait usually are anxious and depressed. While individuals low on neuroticism are calm, composed and emotionally stable when facing any extreme situation or problem.

These traits can help in selecting the people for certain job profiles by companies as they show the natural preferences and behavioral styles. Now as we have come to know that these tests are so important and every big company is looking up to it and relying on it for selection of employees in their company, this has become more crucial and important to excel in these tests are qualify them as just clearing the face to face interview now won’t be enough. Due to high stress and current competition levels you must need something extra which can help in clearing these tests with flying colors. Here Ayurveda can definitely help you. Yes! You heard it right, Ayurveda can be really helpful in excelling the Psychometric testing as there are many herbs present in Ayurveda which can help in improving the cognitive skills and intelligence level of an individual. Let’s get to know about some of them:

  1. Ashwagandha- Withania somnifera or Ashwagandha is widely known herb that helps in brain function by removing the oxidative stress. It supports mental clarity and improve overall functioning of the body along with acting as a good source of energy. This medicinal Ayurvedic herb has been used for decades to improve concentration, enhance energy and relieve stress.
  2. Gotu kola- Centella asiatica is another amazing herb for reducing the oxidative stress on the brain and supports cognitive function which eventually improves memory issues.
  3. Shankhpushpi- Convolvulus prostratusis an adaptogen for the brain which boosts memory, improves intelligence, enhances brain function and overall we can say it is an amazing brain tonic.
  4. Guduchi- Giloy or Tinospora cordifolia fights against stress, illness and anxiety. This herb can also help in treating the mental deficit and behavioral disorders along with improving the overall IQ levels of an individual.

Hence, using these herbs you can achieve the goal of getting selected into a prestigious company of your choice, however hard work is the Key!

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