Update on my family...OOOPS! I have been busy!

Posted by Jennifer Underwood
Feb 8, 2012
Image If time speeds up any faster.......I just don't know what to do! 

Just wanted to give my Apsense family a heads up on the family!

Austin ( my baby eldest baby) is now 15!  He just got his learners drivers license!  He has been very active in the band (he plays the trumpet), and baseball is his thing he played in middle school and trying out for high school this month!  His goal is to join the air force!  Go Austin!

Hunter (my middle child) is now 13!  He played his first year of football for the middle school!  And just received all A's and 1 B on his progress report!  Go Hunter!

Kaleigh (my baby girl).......well she reminds me EVERY DAY that she is no longer a baby!  She is just a mini- me that amazes me everyday the progress she is doing in school...from learning to write her name (the last time I was on here) to hacking my facebook if I do not log off.....EEEEK!  

I surely have missed you guys!
Oh and can you spot my mom?? :)

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Comments (4)
Jennifer Underwood


So nice to meet you faiiacy! Just wait...I am an open book...hahahahaha!

Feb 8, 2012 Like it
faii acy

GPT Site Owner/Operator

Nice family. And, nice to see and article that isn't trying to get me to buy/join something

Feb 8, 2012 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


I laugh so hard at this pic.......so funny...I love my babies...and thank YOU Pat! Welcome to Apsense!

Feb 8, 2012 Like it
Pat Fryer

Independent Distributor for ViSalus Sciences

Great family pic!! Yes, your daughter does look like you!!!

Feb 8, 2012 Like it
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