Lemonade out of Lemons...

Posted by Jennifer Underwood
Feb 19, 2012
In the time of my 'disappearing act' here on Apsense.  Life has taken me on such a journey that the only regret now that I have is not keeping a journal. 
I guess it is all still in my head and has made such a huge impression on my heart!
Never take things that happen to you negatively, always turn them into something positive!  I like the saying 'lf life hands you lemons, make lemonade'.
So, in the past couple years I turned my


My dream home that is 150 years old.  We have some fixing her up to do...but we love IT!  I even get to be entertained right out my back door by my neighbors little buddies

that one has a spitting personality like ME

Oh, and check out this view (some work still..but ahhh...beautiful)!

and this

It took me to get them LEMONS to keep the faith and believe just as I promised you all I would years ago!  I didn't let you down!
I love you guys here and can't wait to get back in touch with my buddies again! 

Comments (1)
Pete Balasch Jr.

Internet Marketer Pod caster

Great Article Jennifer

Feb 19, 2012 Like it
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