Posted by Lisann Brown
May 20, 2020

When a business reaches maturity, it often faces a moderate slowdown in activities in terms of sales, advertising and promotion, and even inventory management.


The dire need to keep up with the growing demands of competition, along with geographical expansion needs warrants a thorough change in the whole organization.


Starting from the:


·       Basic office premises to 

·       Human resources management, 

·       Customer care,

·       Manufacturing, 

·       Marketing department, 

·       Warehousing, 

·       Compliance and legal department

·       Logistics


Every part of the organization should learn and adapt to the novel and better ways of doing things. 


To bring about such calculated and strategic change, the strategy of change management should be adopted.




Change management is the process of implementing changes in every part and department of the organization for process efficiency and productivity.


In any organization, people are resistant to change, and just by stating a motive for change would not suffice in making people proactive.


It has to be considered with care and meticulous planning to bring forth overall change through planned phases by equipping, empowering, and training the employees. 


One of the most crucial aspects that the top-level employees of the company should ponder before deciding for change management strategy is to ask themselves specific questions in the form of 7 Rs:



·       Who has requested for a change? 

·       Reason for change? 

·       Return expected from the change activities.

·       Risks involved in the application of change management?

·       Who is responsible for change management?

·       Resources to be employed?

·       Relationship between this change and other changes? 



Only after every person responsible for significant departments of the company are satisfied with the answers to these questions that a thorough change management strategy is implemented. 





Below mentioned are some of the effective ways of implementing change management:




Crafting an extensive questionnaire or survey regarding every aspect of the organization and distributing the same to every employee and third parties is one of the best ways to gain insights for change.


People often have their perceptions and ideas of the way the thing is to be handled or reformed.


Moreover, by engaging in two way communications with everyone, an overall unified idea and direction of how change is to be brought about can be sought. 


It can be in the form of criticisms, ideas, complaints, grievances, positive reviews which are all to be considered with reverence. 




People are often induced to change when they are offered a good reward for the same. 


This reward can be in monetary and non-monetary form. Monetary rewards include bonus, hike in salary.


Non-monetary rewards include bonus shares or the right issue, promotion, gifts, holidays and tours, etc.




Before deciding on the ways of implementation of change management, it must be stated clearly as to who all are responsible for the effective implementation of this strategy.


Whether only the top-level employees or the heads of every department, this would depend on case to case basis. 




One of the best methods to implement any new process is to make the employee leaders in their domain area by providing them with authority and responsibility for change.


The delegation will ensure that employees inculcate on the job training for a better designation along with exposure to the learning of new and mechanized processes. 




Communicating the need and reason for the change to employees at every level of the organization is very crucial for its implementation.


Once employees have understood the need for change, changing their perceptions and resistance to this change becomes easy to handle.


Further, their participation will also ensure their enthusiasm and spirit for evolved reformations. 




A culture of any organization plays a huge role in depicting the functioning and processes.


It consists of Shared history, common values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that show the collective perceptions towards many things, including change management.


The leaders in this front have to ensure that while change management is being implemented; effective reinforcement of the new and better ways of doing things is thoroughly implemented.


The chances of any conflicts, differing beliefs, and other stress factors should be in planning and handled tactfully. 


Everyone in the organization should adjust to the new way of delivering work, and the cultural fit raises no issues.


People often face many financial difficulties due to some emergencies or shortages in budgets.


Further, the tendency of people to manage their personal affairs with the help of various credit tools like credit cards and bad debts often lands them up into a pothole of a financial quandary. 


It can have a solution with the help of CCJ loans from direct lenders.


Even accommodating the needs of those people having received county court judgments for their debt defaults, these online lenders relieve off the burden of many individuals.


The past credit history is compensated by these lenders by providing loans but at a comparatively higher rate of interest. 




Change management should be implemented in the most planned and streamlined manner to accommodate every departmental functions and process. 

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